Chapter One

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For as long as one can remember, people have been living in fear. They have been closed up, filled with not only doubt but regret over the way they live their lives and the choices they have made. Society was to blame as people who had opinions that were not in alignment with what it believed were treated like outcasts in their own home towns. That plays a major role in brick layering our own dungeons. This is her mind, the midst prison formulated by the tragic turnouts of her life. Growing up in a happy home, something most of us are familiar with. Her life seamed meaningless in other people's views. Her soul put coal under pressure and smile made the birds tweet because it didn't appear often but when it did she made it worth it. Many gave her names good and bad but she was always glad for the name she had. Asivhandzhi, her name meaning not much. It was given to her by her role model, the woman who kept her in check regardless of the circumstances they were faced with. The pillar that kept her going day in and day out, the only peace and comfort she ever knew. Growing up, she was raised by a single independent woman with no male figure ever setting foot between the dark blue door frames leading to her house. She always had questions about his whereabouts, the other piece to her puzzle but not much would be said. His name she never knew and how he came and left, she barely had a clue. All her pillar ever did was make her feel safe avoiding the void that ran deep inside her daughter's heart. She eventually grew out of that phase and accepted that her world didn't need a Superman because she already had a Wonder-woman.

Luvhatshedza, a beautiful village in South Africa that was her home. The name originated from the light that the beautiful sunflowers created every time they blossomed. A peaceful society that had remorse and cared for one another. It was a small village, and seeing that it was small, everyone knew each other, and everyone was in everyone's business. Asi herself had never been outside the borders of her village, she didn't know what life was outside the little village she had come to love as her own safety haven. The friendly ones and the rotten all that didn't matter to her because her life wasn't perfect but she had someone who at least made it worth it. She never fit in with other girls but that didn't dim the bright light she appeared to radiate at all times. She kept going on and strong for a while, even through the words that was told to her, couldn't stick because she was a product of perfection raised and groomed by a queen. There was always a bright side with her. Always until the world she once knew and protected came to exposure and was in jeopardy of being extinct. Dark days had fallen upon them. Her protector and savior had been wounded, no more roses and rainbows, dreams vanished and hope lashed out her system. She was intoxicated with fear and confusion, shutting doors and cutting ties to the world. Her mind became a victim of abduction and her thoughts were now prisoners to oppression.

Problems grew bigger and days deemed darker, it was official that her life would no longer be the same. Walls started to crumble and the sunsets came earlier, losing track of time gave insanity time to creep in and place itself in her cerebrum. Flashbacks of a man kept approaching her every time she laid her head on her mother's lap. He was tall and muscular but only a figure of his shadow was showing and he'd always call out "Run Sweet Heart Run!" every time she ran closer he'd disappear. The flashbacks grew stronger and her mom became weaker, his face was starting to appear clearer then before he had a beard shaved and trimmed and in line with his hair his eye color changed daily as he came closer. Her mom knew she wouldn't last so she wrote her a letter. (Letter: Dear Asi you may read this at the latest stage of time but keep in mind it was my time. I raised you and got to see you grow I'm sad to let you go but deep down I know you've made it even before you realize it. Clearly you noticed I was fading not dying but fading and every time I fade a man grew stronger. He is your dad my time has come to end. You'll see some very disturbing things along the journey. Don't forget who you are, you are the heart and light of Luvhatshedza and your dad needs you to save him. You have had training your whole life and you'll find that out once you embrace the purity within yourself. Your thoughts might play a role in a lot of shots but keep in mind you are bullet proof. I'll always be here in spirit and in faith you will find a way to lead your people against an upcoming evil. Love Roselyn ) Every time they spent together she tried hiding her fades from Asi but Asi could tell something was wrong but just went along with everything thinking it was nothing serious. That was until Reality checked in and Roselyn "Asi's mother" couldn't spit another word as she fell on the ground slowly vanishing and her presence being assassinated by a bright white light that carried rain around its presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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