Unexpected (Part 2)

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Part Summary: Everyone knew Fred Weasley, the cocky, confident, Gryffindor beater and prank extraordinaire. Everything was pretty damn perfect, until he meets a girl that he just cant get off his mind.


Fred entered the Gryffindor Common room, it was still early so many people were out doing whatever people do after classes.

Spotting his twin, he dragged himself over to the couch by the fire and slouched down, his head falling back to stare at the ceiling. George looked over to his brother, furrowing his brows as he took in his appearance. "What the hell happened to you?" George quizzed, Fred took longer than expected to get back and now he looks utterly defeated. "You didn't get caught did you?"

Fred shook his head, dazed and still thinking about (Y/N).

"Then what's up?" Fred still didn't look at him, he only sighed and let out a groan. "Freddie, c'mon, what happened?"

His twin turned his head to squint at his brother, should he tell him about the (Y/N)? Normally he would but this girl was a Slytherin, he (as a Gryffindor) shouldnt like her; they were rival houses. Did he like her? What should he say?

"Filch nearly had me," Fred started, thinking over exactly what to say and what to leave out, "I fell over someone and she helped me out." He looked away, deciding to watch the flames of the fire flicker and glow, and listened to the subtle crackle of the logs.

George, however, was more eager for the story. "She? You mean you fell into a girl? Honestly Fred, could you be any more tragic?" He bellowed, laughing loudly and attracting the attention of a few studying first years. Fred only groaned in response and decided that he'd prefer to hide in his room.


The next morning, Fred walked down the halls a little faster than normal. He had a giddy feeling in his stomach as he made his way to the Great Hall. He wasnt sure why, but he wanted to see (Y/N) again, even if it was to discretely stare at her from across the room.

She confused him. He didn't know why he found her so interesting; so intriguing, it was like she had put some kind of charm on him that drew him closer to her.

And he loved her name. (Y/N). He loved how it sounded, how it suited her perfectly.

What was wrong with him?


Fred glanced at her again, it was breakfast and he was sat at the Gryffindor table looking across to the other side of the room just to see what she was doing. He didn't know why, he just did. He couldn't stop thinking about her confidence, and he definitely couldn't keep his mind off of their almost-kiss — if you could even call it that.

"Fred, what're you lookin' at?" Ron asked, he had clearly noticed his brothers distracted behaviour. So much for discreet. Ron turned around to look at the other tables, trying to find what could possibly have spiked his brothers interest.

"Nothing Ronickins, just eat your breakfast." He glared back. Fred stabbed his food in frustration, trying to take his mind away. He ate in silence, avoiding looking at the Slytherin table again.

As breakfast was coming to an end, George elbowed Fred in the ribs. "C'mon Freddie, don't wanna be late for class." He stood up and slowly started to walk away.

Fred caught up with him, following his steps. "What do we have?"

"Potions first, then herbology, ancient runes , divination-"

"Divination?" Fred repeated, his heart leapt and he suddenly felt much more excited to get to class.

"Yeah, thats what I said. Why?" George questioned, usually Fred hated divination - even more than runes - so why the sudden interest?

Fred looked away, "No reason." He tried not to think about it: George would suspect something, the twins were practically telepathic. He did, however, walk a little faster; the quicker he got through these lessons, the sooner he'd get to see her again.


Classes were going at an incredibly slow pace - every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. And it was only their third class!

Ancient runes was probably one of his least favourite subjects, not to mention it was very boring.

Fred rapped his fingers on his desk; he was so bored. His mind kept drifting to the mysterious girl he had met - between making jokes with his brother and jotting down the occasional note - she somehow found her way back into his thoughts. He was so eager to get to his divination class, it was strange for him - to want to go.

Glancing down to check his watch, Fred let out a groan and slumped down in his chair, how had he only been there for thirty minutes?

George knew something was off, his brother was usually much more upbeat, and much less impatient. "Seriously Fred, whats with you today?" He asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. He doesn't usually act like this, ever since yesterday he's been sulkier and more-

Wait a minute.

"Merlin, is this all about that girl?" George gasped, putting two and two together. Fred has never been like this over a girl, the twins had quite a few admirers - why the sudden interest in one girl?

Eyes widening, Fred tried to think of some excuse. Of course, it was very hard to lie to his twin; they knew each other far too well. "What? Aha- no why would- what are you talking about? I'm fine." Fred denied, Merlin he was never gonna hear the end of this.

George raised an eyebrow, very aware of the obvious lie. "Alright that was literally the worst lie you've ever told," he began, trying so hard not to laugh at Freds reddened face. "C'mon Fred, who is she? And how the hell has she got you all..." he drifted off, waving his hands around and gesturing to his brother.

He hesitated his answer, but he knew George wouldn't stop pestering him until he was given something. "Well, uh she's- she... Merlin's beard George, I don't know what you want me to tell ya. I just met her yesterday!"

"Well, what's her name? What years she in? What house is she in? What's she like? She cute, hot, tall, short? And I know you like a girl with-"

"Okay! I'm stopping you there, I don't need you starting up some kinda fantasy thing youve got in your head, keep that to yourself."

"Well?" George raised his hands, indicating for him to go on.

Fred let out a long sigh, contemplating what to tell him. He didn't really want to say anything, but he also really wanted to talk about her. Who better to share this with than his twin? "Well, um she's in our year..." he paused, looking for George's reaction (which was just a smirk at getting his brother to reveal something). "She's not in our house though- er- she's-"

"She hot?"

"Really? Is that all you wanna know?"

George shrugged, "Well, I mean, I do want to know."

Shaking his head, he brought his attention back to Professor Babbling rambling on about something he probably wouldn't understand.


Unexpected (Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader series)Where stories live. Discover now