Vacation Disaster.

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Listening to my brother scream "are we there yet?" In our little RV is something i've gotten very used to. My parents love vacationing sometimes i think more than they love me. From Alabama,there isnt really alot to explore, so we take road trips as much as we can, which is very often.
Finally,we arrive to Tennessee. I have to use the bathroom. I get out of the RV and find the RV park public restrooms. There's no one in here & things seem really strange.
I hear two loud bangs, they sounded like two loud gunshots. Its probable just two RVs running into eachother. I brush it off and try to find my way back to my RV. I hear an RV coming and quickly move out of the way, i hear screeching breaks next to me and the large vehicle comes to a stop.
The last thing i see is Tyedie & a
bandana before everything goes black.

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