Days of travel

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       The following days after the demon slayer stopped at the rest stop to allow her wounds to heal it was finally time to take off. With her body covered and her face hidden she took a step into the dangerous world that seemed to ready to strip the wall, she built to protect herself. A gentle, small hand pat the back of the girl.

       "Do be gentle young one. The world is a dangerous place, do not lose yourself out there." Her voice was warm and kind as her small figure just got smaller and smaller. The demon slayer could feel a smile pull on her lips as she left.

       "Such a kind, old woman." She laughed, her movements smooth as she walked through the forest. Her crow cawed as it flew back onto her head, moving so it could look into her master's face. "So, what is the new mission, Cawny?" She hummed her bird chirping and hopping around.

       "South, South!!" Cawny chirped, flying around her master with gleeful beats of her wings. With a few more happy chirps she landed on (Y/N)'s shoulder, allowing herself to snuggle close and doze off as her master started south, humming a gentle tune.

       The rays of sunlight that were previously hidden by the trees were now enlightening the grey world around the two. Oh, how she wished she could see the colors of the world, but that was far too dangerous. What if her soulmate was already dead, a demon slayer, or possibly even a demon? What would she do? Oh come on now, let's not get sad here. The day is anew and fresh, take a stride forward and don't look back.

       Each step started to get longer and faster until the slayer was soaring through the air, holding her dear bird to her chest as she landed on a tree and just started to go from branch to branch, her haori billowing in the air behind her. Cawny let out a long, happy chirp as air rushed through her feathers. After a few wiggles, she was free from her master's arms and was soaring next to her, doing tricks. After a few more twists and turns, the pair finally arrived at a southern village.

       The slayer sighed as she landed on the edge of the town, holding her arm out as her crow landed upon it, the claws bending the fabric of the haori. "We have a few hours till the sunsets so let's ask around." She hummed, starting to walk through the town. As the day went on she made small talk with many people and asked if anyone had gone missing lately. Thankfully no one has gone missing, yet.

       By now the sun had set and the slayer allowed her eyes to adjust to the dark. Thankfully she had superb eyesight. After a few hours, there was a change in the atmosphere, it felt dark and malicious. A demon was near the slayer, her bird was perched on a light, watching from afar.

       "You must be hungry." She stated as a demon emerged from the shadows. It was one of the run-of-the-mill demons that looked like it would just fall if you flicked it. "Quite sad to think of, if only you were still human. Maybe life would be a lot easier for you." She sighed before the demon growled, charging at her. "I'll make sure this is pleasant for you." With a quick movement, she had sliced off the demon's head, a flower sprouting as the demon disintegrated. "That was easy, where to next?"

       Her crow chirped before hovering over her master's head, "East, East!" With that, the two started East, a peaceful walk.

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