Once Again

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Requested by @-lunare 

Thanks so much for requesting! 

I'm sorry its not very long, it's my first time writing a one shot for Muzan. I hope you like it!

This is a Muzan x reader.


It was a beautiful cool night in Asakusa. 

The city was sparkling brightly in the darkness making it seem like it was day. Muzan was with one of his many fake families, enjoying the breeze as they walked through the town. They were meeting up with his 'wife' at their favorite restaurant.

"Papa, let's get candy!" His 'daughter' cheered.

"You know what your mother says about sweets before dinner." He smiled at the little child in his arms.

"She doesn't have to know..." The girl pouted. Muzan chuckled a bit before suddenly stopping. "Papa?" But he didn't hear her. His eyes were focused straight ahead as a familiar voice filled his ears. 

He slowly turned his head to see a young woman talking to her friend. The way her hair glistened in the street lights and her eyes shined with laughter. It took him back to a time he had forgotten.

A long long time ago, before he was forever turned into the nightmare of the demon world, Muzan had loved one woman. 

The most feared demon of all time used to gently smile at a kind face as it whispered sweet nothings to him.

Her voice was music to his ears. Her laugh a gentle melody.

With his weak constitution and worsening disease, he was never really allowed to go outside. So she used to visit him everyday with a new bouquet of flowers in her arms. She had owned a flower shop with her family so she always knew what to bring to someone.

She always said he reminded her of a lily. A beautiful flower that stands out bright against all the other flowers.

He loved her.

He loved her so much.

She was his everything. Everyday she made him smile. She was his happiness....

But with a loss of happiness there is always...the smell of blood.

She had been walking alone after spending the day with him. She had run into some thugs that were too drunk to properly speak. They tried to take advantage of her, but she had fought them off the best she could before they broke her.

Muzan had heard about her death the next day when her brother had come in her stead. He had brought the lilies that she had loved so much. The flower that reminded her of him. 

Something in him broke after that. Nothing seemed to have color for a long time. All joy had left his life.

Not long after losing her, Muzan had become who he is now. 

He had blamed himself for her death. If only he was stronger, if only he was healthier...but those thoughts eventually faded with her memory and the time they had spent together.

As he looked at the woman before him, he felt his heart skip a beat, for once in hundreds of years, he was speechless. She looked just like her. She even sounded like her.

The young woman turned her head slightly catching his eyes. Her (e/c) orbs widened for a moment before she smiled at him.

"I don't bite, you know. You can come look at the flowers if you want." She said. 

He hadn't even realized that he was standing in front of a flower shop. Your flower shop. Was it the same one she had owned so long ago? he had wondered.

He finally regained some of his composure before smiling a real smile.

"I'd like that, Hanako." He said.

The woman tilted her head to the side in confusion before giggling.

"Nice try, but my name's not Hanako. However, you would think that because of the flower shop." She smiled. "The name's (y/n)." His 'daughter' sudden;y jumped out of his arms before she started to look around excitedly at all the beautiful flowers.

"You have a lovely shop here." He marveled, gazing around at all the flowers. 

"Thank you! It's been in my family for generations."  He paused at her words. Could this really be...? "Ah, I see you like those flowers! Our shop is famous for our lilies." She came up next to Muzan making him suck in a breath at their closeness. "You know, you kinda remind me of a lily. You really stand out from the other flowers." She smiled up at him. That warm gentle smile that he had missed so dearly.

It is her.

This is her store. 

This is her reincarnated.

Muzan's heart started to pound as she stared at the woman next to him. Her smile shining brighter than any star in the sky. 

He had found her  and he won't lose her again.

Kimetsu no Yaiba One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon