Chapter 2

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Hey guys!  Find Me I'm Yours is full of original artwork, graphics, Instagram pics and more.  Since we can only post one pic per chapter on Wattpad, I'll note where a pic or a video is, and if you follow me, you can receive the links to see the pics, videos, and live links to websites. 

Is it ironic that I'm the only single person working at Bridalville magazine? Ironic or just pathetic? I might as well work at Young Spinsters.

I've been a graphic designer at Bridalville, an online humor mag start-up, for the past six months. And even though it's an irreverent take on all things wedding, every day I'm still surrounded by killer ideas for alt ceremonies, hot grooms, and adorbs couples that make my 8-5 workdays spill into 24/7 of feeling utterly SOLO. At least I get to do cool graphics as opposed to if I worked at, say, Metal Welders Association magazine.

(bridalville pic)

Check it out:

Oh, if you go to the ABOUT section, you'll see Coco. But she was wearing a wig when the photo was taken-because she didn't want to wash her hair that day. Seriously. That's exactly why she quickly became my best friend when I moved to L.A. Well, that and the fact she has lines tattooed down the back of her legs to look like she's some '50s bombshell wearing seamed nylons-we both feel like we were born in the wrong era. Coco's twenty-eight and has been married for four years. MY IDOL! =)

(coco pic)

Coco's the one who got me my job at Bridalville where we, along with Jeff, Maya, and Frannie, are the Art Department, and somehow because of that title, I've managed to convince myself that I'm actually making art. And that the job will somehow help my career. Right, like my first gallery show will feature graphics mocking overused wedding trends like mason jars.

One of the reasons I took the job (aside from the fact that it was the only one I could get) is that the peeps who work in the Art Dept. get to go on location to take pics and gather arty scraps for our "Waaay Off the Beaten Path" section that features crazy, alternative wedding and honeymoon locales. Since I've worked here, the others have been sent to Jackson Hole, Maui, Napa, and Vermont. Me? South Pasadena. Yeah. To cover a wedding where the couple said their I Dos at a tiny church-on the ninth hole of a miniature golf course. I've asked, suggested, prodded, comically begged, and pleaded with my boss, Malcolm, but have I ever been sent to any far-off location? No. Nein. Nyet. And, I guess, why would I? I've never been lucky at anything-the only thing I've ever won in my life was a salami from Canter's Deli. (I got the receipt with the red star.)

So back to how it all went down. Two days ago, Coco and I were doing some layouts for the Bridalville web series #whitepeopleweddings when Jason texted me.

        Please can I see you, Mags? Much to talk about.

Ever since we broke up, whenever I get a text from Jason, I get a wave of nausea that's a combo platter of dread and excitement. Fuck, I missed him. It never mattered that we were so different. He's got a geek boy video game programmer's mind, not an artist's soul; he's reserved and holds his emotions in while I'm wide-open raw. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, yet laughs at all of my jokes. But I always knew he loved me and would do anything for me, as I would for him. Oh... except stay faithful. Him, not me.

I wanted to see him so damn badly. To fall into his arms and his bed. But every time I considered it, I'd picture him all up in my neighbor Amanda's bizness, and I just couldn't do it.

"Who's that?" Coco asked. Nothing is ever private as she practically sits in my lap in the tiny cubicle we share.

I didn't answer, which said it all.

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