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Kobra kid wandered the desert, wishing he never got separated from the others. He grumbled to himself, not at all paying attention to where he was going. He yelped when he tripped over something and fell. He turned around and noticed that what he tripped over was not a something but instead was a someone. "Umm...are you okay...?"

Frank groaned and nodded, looking up at the other guy. "Yeah, I'm okay. You alright?" He sat up, rubbing his leg gently. After the apocalypse started, Frank had been wandering around the desert. He'd been living on stuff left over that he had and things that he found, but he was running out of food and water. He was dirty and just wanted to sleep. He hadn't slept much since the whole thing started. Before the apocalypse, he had a family. He had a wife and three kids, who were all torn from him. So now, he was on his own. He hadn't seen another human in a while. Right now, he was taking a break from walking. His feet hurt and his eyes burned and he was just exhausted. He was honestly glad he had run into this kid. Maybe he could help him.

"I um... I'm sorry I tripped over you... Do you want to come with me back to my place? I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind. Or I could set you up with Doctor D and Cola." Kobra sat down in front of the other guy.

"I'm Kobra kid by the way." He took of his helmet and ran his fingers through his blonde locks, beads of sweat dripping off his face.

"Sure, I guess." He raised an eyebrow, observing the boy.

"Kobra kid? That's an odd name," he mumbled.

"I'm-uh-I'm Frank." He held his hand out to shake the other man's. "How far is your place?"

"t-the diners is not far..." Kobra looked at the man in confusion on why he just told him his regular name. He placed a hand on his holster.

"Why did you tell my your real name. Are you a killjoy? Can I trust you."

"I-I don't know. You can trust me." He bit his lip. "I've just been wandering for weeks, I-I don't know what's going on." He looked down at the holster. "Don't shoot me, please." He felt tears stinging his eyes.

"I won't. I won't. But we got to get you a killjoy name and fast." Kobra said seeing dracs in the distance. He led Frank to his motorcycle and hopped on, looking back at the man. "You coming?"

He nodded and got on the motorcycle behind him. He sighed and looked over, seeing the other people. "Who are they?" He asked softly.

"Dracs. bad people. Hang on tight." Kobra put on his helmet and sped off into the sand making his way to the road. "hey Frankie watch this." Kobra then proceeded to let go of the handles.

Frank wrapped his arms around Kobra, watching as he let go. He let out a squeaky noise, holding onto him tighter. He closed his eyes, just wanting to get to wherever he was being taken already.

Kobra grabbed the handles once again and giggled at Frank's reaction. He mentally cursed himself for letting out a girlish noise. He sped up the bike before drifting to a stop in front of the diner. "Frank. We're here."

He nodded, blushing when he realized how tight of a hold he had on Kobra. He mumbled a soft apology as he let go and got off, looking up at the diner. "Where did you even find this place?"

"I don't even know. Me, Party And Jet were just lucky I guess." Kobra looked down at the tattooed man and smiled. He took off his helmet and walked in, setting it on the table. "So Frank. What about your name."

He followed him inside, looking around the place. "What about it?" He raised an eyebrow. "I like Frank."

"Frank is a pretty cute name. But you need a killjoy name. Otherwise you're going to caught real quick." Kobra said, looking at the clueless man before him. "I hope you don't think my real name is Kobra kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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