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My hand begins to stroke the guitar slowly as the melodic tune plays over in my head ready to be played aloud. My lips part, I take a deep breath and begin to sing. "Lady, where's your love gone?
I was looking but can't find it anywhere
They always offer when there's loads of love around
But when you're short of some it's nowhere to be found" I sang silently making sure Anthony's friends won't hear me from downstairs. I kept singing the rest of the song peacefully playing the guitar I had learnt myself. "Let's go down, down low down
Where I know I should not go
Oh, and she thinks she's the one
But she's just one in twenty-four
And just 'cause everybody's doing it
Does that mean that I can, too?" As I was about to continue I noticed my door began to creek. I looked up and saw an all too familiar face clumsily eavesdropping on me. Chase Hudson. "No Sorry I was on my way downstairs from the bathroom but I couldn't resist to listen" I chuckled nervously "U-um it's fine I'll just be quieter next time I guess" I smiled and looked down. I was always nervous around most people, especially Anthony's friends. They're all at such a high superiority at school that it just makes everything sort of, tough I guess. I looked back up at Chase hoping that would signal him to go which it did. He walked back in a second or two after and said "you sounded beautiful by the way" and gave me his trademark smile all those fourteen year olds lose themselves over. He closed the door behind him and I heard him go downstairs back with his group.

I was just about to continue playing until my phone began to ring. It was my friend Natalie, she's definitely drunk again. "Where are you I'll come pick you up" she soon began slurring her words and due to the loud party music and her heels clacking loud as ever, I knew she was leaving to go get air, nausea, fun! "God y-you-re a liiiife saverrrrrr" she began giggling which to my guess means she nearly fell. "I'm at franks party buuuuut goshhhh it's boooooringgggg no one here actually has good alcohollllllll" "And yet you drank it anyways?" "Cmon a good beer or two should never be wasted" Oh she had way more than one beer. Natalie, the girl's way too much of a lightweight to consume this much alcohol. "Pick me uuup can I sp-end the nighhht ?" "Okay Nat I'm gonna come, stay right where you are" "Roger roger !" She blurted in perfect volume to make my ears bleed. I got off the carpeted floor in my room and made my way downstairs. The second I stepped down I saw a clear view of who was there. They were 5 in total, Anthony, Chase, Noen, Jackson and Josh. They're usually way more. "Anthony can I borrow your car?" "Is it Nat again?" He looked slightly worried probably due to it being midnight and the fact that he had a crush on her. "Yup" he handed me the keys and I headed out. The second I got out, the light rain hit the outer layer of my dark blue oversized hoodie and I rushed into the car. Alright Franks house was just a few blocks away so this shouldn't take too long I guess.

I arrived at the house to see Natalie in a white, above the knee, body con dress with white stilettos. She began running her way over and the second she opened the door, she fell right in. No literally, she fell and lightly hit her head against the gear shift and began giggling so much it began to deafen me. "Sit properly dude your shoes are getting soaked" she immediately listened. Nats the type of person to put inanimate objects before herself, this involves her shoes, phone, hydro flask and many other items. We begin driving back to mine. "So who's at your place?" "Uh Chase, Noen, Jackson and Josh" she giggles the second she hears their names, oh gosh she's gonna say- "I ship you and Chase so much like omg just make out already!!" She screams with eagerness and a whiff of tipsiness. I chuckle at her and she blasts generic pop music for the rest of the drive.

We arrive home and she's incredibly excited to enter, oh god she's running, she's actually taken off her shoes to run. She also took the umbrella that was in Anthony's car so I officially have no protection to the now heavy rain pour. I roll my eyes and smile at her childlike excitement to see my brother and his "hot" friends. Well I mean they are attractive for the most part, except Jackson, he kinda looks twelve. Eh whatever good for him. My thoughts are interrupted by Natalie's loud banging on the door, if she goes any harder we won't even have a door and we can't afford to risk replacing it again. I chuckled as the memory comes to mind of that time Anthony drove Natalie to our place the first night she actually got completely drunk, she broke the doors weak and old screws and made a dent in the thin wood, luckily our parents were out of town so we were able to find a dirt cheap door and I just matched the paint to the old door color and voila! New door.

Anthony ended up opening the door to which Nat ran in and hugged him, he obviously hugged back not caring for the smell of sweat, heavy rain water and alcohol and just embraced her. Damn my brothers a sweet heart. Haha homeboy whipped. I ran my way inside soaked in water since all I had for protection was my hoodie. "Cmon Nat we gotta get you cleaned up" "B-but i-m fffffffineeeeeee cmonnnnnnnnnn" everyone chuckled seeing her like this. I began to drag her up the stairs and she was dramatizing every bit of it. We finally got into room and she began raiding my closet. "Yo-ur shirts are lameeeee, Anthonyyyyyyyyy". Anthony rushed up the stairs faster than a cheetah and immediately responded to her call. "Yes Natalie" he smiles nervously. "C-can I bo-rrow one offff your shirtsss" "um sure which one?" Her lips curl into a smirk, oh god I know what she's gonna say "That one" and she points to his current shirt which causes him to blush and stutter immensely. "Ah w-well oh-k" he soon took his shirt off and handed it to her and she just eyed him up and down. I gagged "God guys just get a room" I fake vomited to which Nat said "We're already in yours" she giggled. Anthony shook the back of his head. Nat was about to just strip and as soon as Anthony took notice he immediately closed his eyes and began to walk away. "I'm just Uh... g-gonna go" and he shut the door in panic. Gosh my brothers obsessed with her. It's sweet. "Alright let's get you to a shower young lady" "n-NoOooooO"

About an hour passed and we both passed out in my room. Hectic, I know.
First chapter hope you guys liked it !!!!!!

Written : 12th November
Published: 9th December 2019

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