XII : We Meet Again

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"Oh no..." The frogs started to thaw and were crawling out. "No no no come back froggies, Katara and Sokka need you."

Suddenly I heard the guards by the door, it seemed like they were fighting? The door opened and it revealed a blue mask I haven't seen for years. I grinned, "Expecting someone else?"

He caught off the chains and we hurried out. "You wouldn't happen to know where my brother is?"

He stayed silent and continued to run. There were two guards, Zuko attacked the other and I attacked the one. He eyed me, "What you think I can't fight?"

He got their helmets and rolled it over. We waited until they were all coming to us and knocked them down, didn't even need to use our bending. Zuko went ahead to the door, while I tied the rest of the guards up. But then I heard Aang yelling, "Aang?!"

"Alara!" He rushed over and hugged me. "Who is that? Is he here to rescue us?"

Zuko rushed over to the door and lead us out. I nodded to Aang and followed him out.

"My frogs!" Aang yelled, trying to grab them from escaping.

Zuko grabbed him up and dragged him away. "Wait our friends need to suck on those frogs!" I sighed and follow after them.

We followed Zuko's every lead, trying to not make a sound. We were in the canal, he looked up and checked and went back down. He pointed up, and got out. Aang looked at me and I mouthed, "Hurry up!" He jumped over with me following.

We ran towards a wall with a rope on it. Aang went ahead, followed by me then Zuko, but then the alarm rang off. "There! On the wall!" A guard on the top cut the ropes and we were left falling.

I cushioned our fall and Zuko drew his swords out. "Times like this I really wish I had my katana." He pointed at the gate and we ran to it.

"The Avatar has escaped! Close all the gates immediately!" I could hear Zhao yell.

"Stay close to us!" Aang yelled as he blasted air towards the soldiers making them fall.

A spear went beside me, as I avoided it, using one leg I pinned one end, spun it and threw it's owner back. I broke the the end off and gave it to Aang. "Here!" I broke another for me.

I blew off the rest of the guards attacking Zuko as Aang launched him off the wall. "Ready?" He asked me and I nodded. Aang grabbed Zuko and carried him off barely keeping balance. They fell onto the outer wall and I jumped beside them. "Alara you could've left!"

"And leave you behind? Never." I say as I fought off the rest of the guards. I looked on the other end the guards were getting ladders to climb. "Uh boys..."i called them over as I inhaled and blew them off, Aang doing the same. He got the ladders and tried to use it to get to the other side. But it didn't work, as they set it on fire and we ended crashing down.

The guards surrounded and threw fire. Aang and I shielded is with an air shield then Zhao came. "Stop! The Avatar must be captured alive!"

Zuko then pressed both his swords on Aang's neck. I breathe hitched, as Aang worriedly looked at me. "Open the gate." Zhao commanded though he was not happy. "Let them out now!"

As we were walking back, Zuko still has his swords on Aang's neck. Then suddenly Zuko was thrown backwards, his scar was slightly showing. Aang and I shared a look before he blew the sand on the ground making cover.

He took off the mask and was shocked. "Alara, it's-"

"I know." I told Aang and he stood there in disbelief. I saw the guards ran after us and Aang did too. "We can't just leave him here."

Aang and I carried him out as fast as we could, heading into the forest. We laid him down but he was still unconscious.

"When did you know?" Aang asked me.

"A long time ago..." I sighed, as I hugged my legs waiting for him to wake up.

The sun started to shine across the trees. I went away to get some herbs that would probably help him out. When I got back, he was already awake and Aang was talking to him. "You know what the worst part about being born over a hundred years ago is? I miss all the friends I used to hang out with and I know Alara misses them too." He paused. "Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend, Kuzon. The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together, the only downside was that I knew he liked Alara." Aang laughed but it was quickly gone.

I remembered Kuzon, he was such a troublemaker, but he was sweet too. I remembered the times we would laugh around, playing pranks on people. He loved giving me Fire Lilies, which I never gotten why until now. "He was one of the best friends I ever had. And he was from the Fire Nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends too?"

Zuko blasted fire at him which Aang dodged. I stood between them glaring at Zuko. "Aang go."

"But Alara-"

"Just go and get some frogs alright?"

Aang looked down sadly and left. Now it was just me and Zuko. "Listen I know the only reason why you saved us was because you didn't want Zhao to turn us in, because you wanted to do that yourself. So let me give this to you straight," I jabbed my finger onto his chest.  "If you even dare harm a finger on Aang, you won't have to worry about turning him in, because you won't be there to do it." He blinked, I saw a trickle of sweat dripping down.

"I wish I was a little taller. He's like a head taller than me!" My glare softened as I sighed. "But, I have to say thank you, for saving us and well me again."

"Guess I don't owe you now?" He finally spoke up.

"I guess you don't." I started to walk away but I remembered something, back in the ship when Iroh was brewing tea. "Oh and I kept it by the way, you know the teacup." And for once I actually saw him smile.

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ