8. carry me home

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I stood up from the chair and met her in the hallway. "You look very pretty." Rachel said.

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

"I just wanted to wish you luck tonight. Of course, I still want New Directions to win, but I hope you have the time of your life out there."

I nodded my head confidently. "I will." I assured.

"If you're doubting how amazing you are, just remember that Rachel Berry wouldn't have a mediocre person as her best friend." 

I let out a small laugh. "Yes, because I base my worth on what you think of me." I gave her a soft smile. "But thank you."


I could feel my pulse quicken as I took my place on the stage. Any second the announcer would introduce us and the curtain would go up. "Ladies and gentlemen, from McKinley High competing for the first time ever, The Troubletones!" The curtains went up and the music began.


As I walked up to Quinn by her locker, I watched as she suddenly dropped a few pamphlets on the floor. I hurried over to her and picked them up. Before handing them back to her, I read the one on the top. "Yale?" I questioned. I looked up at her and smiled.

"Yeah." She said proudly. "I know I should've already had my list finalized but with all the chaos from last year, I got off track." Quinn explained.

"So my girlfriend's really smart, huh?" I asked

She brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I wanted to thank you actually." Quinn sighed heavily. "If it wasn't for you pushing me to talk to someone, I'd probably be looking for another dumb and crazy thing to do right now, but now I'm just thinking about my future."

"Nope, that's all you." I assured her.

Quinn tilted her head to the side. "Are you okay?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I know you worked really hard to win."

"It just sucks that it's over." I sighed.

"Come back to New Directions." Quinn replied, grabbing my hand. "Please." She begged.

I sighed heavily. Going back was what I wanted, but I wasn't sure if the rest of them wanted to. I missed New Directions but I didn't miss the spotlight-hogging. "I'll think about it. I felt what it was like to be in the spotlight and I don't want to be in the background again."

Quinn suddenly smiled. "I have an idea." She quickly pecked my cheek and hurried off.

"Quinn Fabray, you didn't tell me what it was!" I said loudly.


Mercedes, Brittany, Santana and I stood in the bathroom. "We were better." Mercedes said.

"I don't know, I think it
could have gone either way." Brittany said.

"It was that damn Trouty Mouth." Santana scoffed as she helped Brittany do her makeup. "Even I felt a little something in my lady loins when he did that magic sex dance."

"Speaking of... I'm gonna start calling him Magic Mike." I informed.

"Isn't he the guy that pulls bunnies out of a hat?" Brittany asked.

"All right, ladies, girl talk."  We heard someone say. We looked in the direction of the door to see Quinn.

"No. Uh-uh. Don't you dare try and give us a pep talk." Santana began.

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