chapter 16 -flame

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Days have been filled with utter emptiness. Typical missions for the others: Erron Black, Reptile and Ermac. To which she hardly interacted with, expect Erron Black. Kotal Kahn had some work for everyone to do. Scouting and hunting for his lost enemies and his desire on capturing either Kollector or D'Vorah. But both works as well.

Today was a day for entertainment. Outworld's fight between creatures and strange entities was something that Outworld's people had been gathering upon. The sky was filled with such bright warmth throughout the environment and atmosphere. A day for glee. Naiya was overwhelmed by this sudden leisure that had gripping onto everyone. Entirely new to this.

Along side with the Emperor and his embassies. Naiya's eyes looked at Erron who was always in front of him. She had a sense of resentment from him. Although she always assumed the worse in others, negativity is all she knew.

Everyone headed over to the Kolosseum. Its large structure brooding over her. But she was a special person, siding by the Emperor. They arrived at the top of the Kolosseum; watching over the huge, empty space in preparation for whatever was going to battle one another. There, they stood by Kotal who sat in a opulent throne, the best seat in the house. Many gathers and Gillis gets of Outworld had been present in the seatings down below. By her side, Reptile, Ermac and Erron Black - standing still as they waited for something to appear in the field.

Cheering has risen to a higher volume. Naiya leaned forward towards the edge to watch what appeared. Drums have been played, voices to which Naiya could not make words from had been announced, assuming that they were declaring the event. The cheers grew louder and what appeared from underneath the sandy ground was levelling up to be a huge, scaled creature with wings. A dragon, how immersive and interesting. Chained up by it's legs and wings.

It possessed such emerald features, glimmering from the bright sunlight from above. Naiya was instantly concerned with the creature pinned down.

Suddenly, some other odd creatures that assemble from underneath as well. Feral and grueling mutts of that were furless; had arrived. Growling at every sound they encountered, each and one of them finally noticed the Dragon. It's eyes filled with entrapment and rage - it was all too clear for Naiya to see. She quickly removed herself from the edge and proceeded to hide in the shadows, avoiding witnessing the fight.

Loud roars was all she heard. The cheering bouncing up and down each second. Erron glanced at her sudden departure. She leaned against the walls where the shade was darkening. Glaring at Kotal and the others who were observing the fight.

Making a lullaby in her head, to pass the time.

Quiet down the surroundings and make yourself whole again.

Silence the vile thoughts and let divinity take you in, you're pure and kind, but chased by evil. Butterflies along your side.

Feeling empty and hallow, within the outside world. What I see is darkening.

Filling my soul with the cruelty of life. Broken from the start whilst no one can fix. Tears of glass running down a softening skin of mine, yes.

What I know is -

A hardening tremor surpassed the whole place. Her thoughts completely vanishing into nothing. Naiya glanced over in the distance, avoiding the edge. The winged creature now making a large step out of the chains. It's roar piercing into the joyous atmosphere. The wings in which it possessed had broken the iron chains. Everyone in the seatings, inside the Kolosseum had screamed and slowly scattered as the crowd remained occupied.

Kotal Kahn immediately stood up from his seat and gestures all of his embassies down in his Osh-Tekk language. Such wild attack had occurred and had drifted to wrong turn. Naiya did not react as much, slightly expecting such situation. But she quickly went down the stairs- along with the others.

Upon the ground level. The dragon did not hover too far off the ground as it seemed to have injured wings. Kotal Kahn's guards aimed at the animal with their weapons below it. Some of them chewed off and some of them brightly ignited.

Everyone else had panicked from the seatings above.

Erron and the others : Reptile and Ermac had attempted to eliminate the beast. Their attacks remained useless as the animal's body was not affected as much. Their only solution was to kill it. But Naiya had another thought in mind.

Swiftly walking towards it. The others glaring at her in confusion and in baffling expression, she had stared at the Dragon who was in obvious fear and in wraith. Her eyes turning delicate, calming her aura to which she shared with the animal. It's wispy breath of fire slowly diminishing from thin air had lowered.

Now it's gaze had concentrated onto her. The benevolence she withstood and to which she had offered to the animal. It's neck lowering down at her. She smiled softly, her harmony that hooked on the dragon. Noticing it's eyes of anger which was fear and the need freedom. The connection soon grew uneasy.

Glancing towards the strange situation. The dragon risen its throat once again and held a threatening stance over Naiya.

"Goddamn it.-" 

Erron immediately charged at her, shoving her body out of the dragon's reach. It slammed upon the ground, becoming violent once it hit the ground. As its neck had made contact with the floors. The rest of the guards had impaled it's neck, struck into a massive fatality. Killing the dragon once and for all.

The blood had been driven out. It was all over.

She watched as it died slowly, almost feeling it. Turning her head of what was in front of her. Erron's body brooding over her against the ground, pinning her from the extreme destruction. Her face was in a slight overwhelming feeling. She mildly pushed him off as he too moved away from her. Naiya walked forward to the creature. Her eyes dimming down. Her palm against its scaled skin.

"What the hell were you doin'?" Erron called out.

"I tried to calm her down... she was frightened and enraged...-" She sighed harshly. Her eye sockets becoming weary from the severe pain she felt.

"You could've gotten r'self killed!" He shouted in annoyance. Naiya ignored his comment and proceeded to leave the Kolosseum. The rest of guards had handled the creature's body and as well as the destruction of the place. Inside the tunnel -  she ran off.

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