"You seemed pretty freaked out when you ran into me. Are you alright?"

"Shinsou," I breathed as he sat down beside me, panting. He'd run after me. "I, um, I just got a bit freaked out."

"Have you had any... thoughts?"

"No—" God damn it, Shinsou. Fuck you and fuck your damn quirk! "Yes."

"Sorry. I know I shouldn't be using my quirk on you like that but I need to make sure you're telling me the truth. Remember what I told you? I've been there and suicide isn't the answer. I know we don't know each other that well, but if you need someone to talk to then I'm here."

"No!" I raised my voice suddenly, causing a few other students to look in our direction. I sighed, continuing in a softer voice. "Sorry, I'm not interested in making friends."

"I never said we'd be friends. I'm not into the whole friend thing either. Think of it more like a ranting buddy. I'll complain about my problems with you and you complain about your problems with me."

He held out a hand and I couldn't help the slight grin that appeared on my lips as I shook it in return. The purple-haired teen rose to his feet and held out his other hand. Giving him a skeptical glance, I determined he didn't seem to be doing anything suspicious and gave him my other hand. Then without expending much effort, he pulled me to my feet.

"Now, you have an exam to pass. Good luck!"

"Yeah... Right, I forgot about that. I'll do my best."

"Alright, how about we meet up here after school and you can tell me how it went?"

"Yeah. I'll see you here then."

Leaving him with a nod, I jumped down the steps and jogged around the school. It'd take me a few minutes to reach the Center Plaza — it was ridiculous how big this damn fucking campus was. Still, heroes in training did require a lot of space, I guess. I was the last to arrive at the designated spot where my classmates and teachers stood waiting.

"Now then, let's begin the last test. Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you want to go to camp then don't make any stupid mistakes." Aizawa instructed.

"Uh, why are all the teachers here?" Jirou questioned.

"The tests now have a new focus," Nezu popped up from within Aizawa's scarf. "There will be hero work, of course, but also teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does that mean for you? You, students, will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed UA teachers! Isn't that fabulous?"

"Additionally, your partners and opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my discretion based on various factors. First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team... against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugou—" there were various sounds of shock and protest—"and their opponent is—"

"—I am here! To fight!"

Well, guess they're fucked.

The began to announce the teams and their opponents, although I didn't pay much attention — only barely listening to see if I could catch my name. I didn't need team mates. Friends slow you down. I could do this just fine on my own. But of course, Aizawa just fucking hates me.

"In the 6th match, Izumi, Aoyama and Urakraka will take on Thirteen."

Nezu then went over the rules of the exam. We would have 30 minutes to either hand cuff our assigned teacher or have one member from our team escape. Assuming we could complete at least one of the assigned tasks, then we would pass.

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