267 14 2

You'll take the high road
And I'll take the low road
And I'll be in Scotland
Before you
Where me and my true love
Will never meet again
On the Bonnie, Bonnie banks of
Loch Lomond

After the incident outside with Lee, Rachel made her way into the bar and sat down, ordering herself a double vodka, not needing to turn around to see who had just joined her.

"I'll have whatever she's having. But send her the bill."

The barman nodded and went off to get their drinks. Rachel raised an eyebrow, finally turning to face Lee who sighed.

"Hey Dean, can we get some ice to put on Rachel's face." Dean nodded as he brought over their drinks.

"That was bold of you."

"Why are you here, Rachel?"

"I came to say Happy Birthday." Rachel smiled a little.

"We both know you didn't drag Becky, Christen, Eryka and Kelly here just for us to have a cosy wee catchup."

"They insisted that they came. I didn't invite them."

"I'd much rather they were here than you." Lee muttered, taking a drink.

"Charming as always, aren't you?" Rachel rolled her eyes, taking the bag of peas that Dean had given her and placing it to her face.

"I'm going to go and enjoy myself, I want you gone by the time I com—"

"MUMMY!" Lee was interrupted by a little voice coming towards her and Rachel watched as Lee picked the little girl up in her arms. "Hey little princess! Are you having fun with Nic and Fiona?"

The little girl nodded excitedly before looking at Rachel, tilting her head. "Hi!"

Rachel was taken aback by the little girls sudden interest in her, because Rachel had never seen her before.

"Hello. What's your name?"

Lee put her back down on the ground and Rachel kneeled next to her. "Louise."

"Louise, huh?" Rachel nodded, shooting a glare at Lee, who was shifting awkwardly. "What a pretty name."

"Hey - I know you!" The little girl seemed deep in thought for a moment and Rachel watched her closely, heart racing.

"You're that footballer that my mummy watches on the tv all the time!"

Rachel laughed a little, knowing she could probably use that as leverage against Lee later. "I am? Well...."

"She really likes watching your games especially when I'm not there!"

"Alright, Lou! Rachel's heard enough. Why don't you go play with Auntie Ruesha and Auntie Katie?"

Lou huffed, looking up at her mum. "Auntie Ruesha keeps threatening to push Auntie Katie down the stairs! I'm not their babysitter!"

"Go and help Auntie Ruesha then! Just be careful and don't get into trouble!"

"I just have one more question—" Rachel started.

"No, Rach—" Lee interrupted, but Rachel ignored her, bending down again so that she was the same size as Louise.

"How old are you, sweetie?"

"Uhh, I'm 9! But I'm really small for my age...."

"9, huh?!" Rachel got up from the ground again and folded her arms.

"Louise, go and play with Ruesha and Katie!" Lee said finally and Louise nodded.

"It was nice meeting you Rachel! Bye!" She ran off in the opposite direction and Rachel watched before turning back to face Lee.

"Before you say anything, I can explain —"

"Explain?! Oh you can do more than fucking explain! You were pregnant when I left?"

"No! Well yes, but I didn't know until a few weeks after!" Lee held her hands up, shrugging.

"You didn't think to let me know?" Rachel literally wanted to scream.

"I tried to! But you never answered your phone or texts when I tried. I decided soon after that if you weren't going to make an effort with me, that both me and Louise deserve better. You abandoned me."

"I want to get to know my daughter." Rachel concluded, causing Lee to choke on her drink.

"Absolutely not."

"Why not, she's my daughter!"

"Aye because you're mother of the year! You don't get to waltz back into our lives like that! You're my friend and that's all, she doesn't need to know any different."

"What did you tell her?"

"What do you mean, Rach?" Lee said.

"Have you told her she has two mums?"

"Yes, I told her. But she just doesn't know it's you and I really want to keep it that way because she's too clingy and I don't want her to get hurt when you bail on us again."

"Fine." Rachel took another drink of her vodka, and got up from her seat, ready to face the music and whatever the rest of her ex-teammates were going to throw at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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