Two Shrinking Violets

Start from the beginning

                “Hello? Somebody in here?” I was nearly collapsing of nervousness. No answer. I knocked again but still no answer. I knocked for the next 2 minutes for about like 7 times until someone answered me.

                “Nobody lives here.”  A voice said, it sounded real low.

                “Then who’s answering?” I asked, shouting.

                “A ghost.” The voice answered back.

                “A ghost aye?” I shouted again.

                “What do you want?” The voice asked.

                “I’m your schoolmate, well you really don’t know me because I don’t really have that much friends.” I peeped at the window.

                “Say what you’re going to say.” The sound is getting nearer and I heard footsteps.

                “I’m here to do an interview with you. I’m from the school paper and you are the featured student.” I answered.

                “I’m not going to accept any interview. What am I? Some sort of an actor or something?” He’s clearly behind the door.

                “Please. I really need to do this for my marching clearance.” I begged him.

                “Well, welcome to my world. Good luck with that. See you again next year; you’re not going to march.” He said sarcastically.

                “Well I’m not leaving here until you open this door!” I shouted and hit the door.

                “Good luck with that.” The footsteps were going away.


                Gosh! I can’t believe he really did that! He left me. But I just can’t give up like that. I sat by the road waiting for him to open the door. The sky’s dark, it’ll rain anytime by now. After 5 minutes or less, it finally rained. And there I was sitting in the rain. My bag and clothes were soaked wet. Darn I hate this guy. All I ever want is to do an interview! Well, I don’t really want to do an interview with him since I don’t have that courage to talk with someone like him. But I can’t believe what I just shouted to him. I was good at getting angry. I don’t know if that’s a talent or something, but I’m really good at getting angry. The raindrops met my face and it still continued to rain. Few moments later, the dripping stop but when I looked to my side, it’s still raining. When I look up, there I saw the scariest man on earth. I jumped out of my butt and freaked out.

                “Hey, easy. I won’t bite you.” He smiled, holding an umbrella.

                “Well, I’m not scared at you. Even if you’re a gangster you can’t scare me.” I posed like a kung-fu fighter.

                “You should get in; the rain is making you a crazy ching-chong fighter.” He said.

                “It’s called kung-fu.” I looked down in embarrassment.

                “I don’t care. Just get in.” He picked my bags and ushered me inside his house.

                And I went inside his scary house; there were three black cats, a skull of a deer and some litter on the floor.

Two Shrinking Violets - KathNielWhere stories live. Discover now