A Fated Battle Between a Man and a Woman

Start from the beginning

"Die! Die! Die!" Bakugou yells out.

And soon after, of course, the timer starts counting down.




My face begins to show my exhaust, my eyes tear up and my teethes grit begins to fade.



Stay awake!... stay... conscious... you can beat him... you can't let him win... you can't be weak!



Using the last of my strength, I clench my arms together into a v form, and I release all my pent up energy from my force field attack. My world suddenly goes slow, almost as if I was walking in slow motion. I see him, falling and landing onto the ground across from me. Just as my backside also hits the rock floor. Sparks flew into the air almost as if they were swirls of color chasing each other. Teal and orange mix as everything begins to go quiet. And it's over.


I turn my head only to have my neck tense up like a palm. My bright violet eyes meet the bright blue sky. And my vision fades...

A few hours later:

My eyes open to the sight of a dim light shining through the windows.

How nostalgic... defeated by yet another explosion... damn it.

My eye begins to water as the thought of losing that battle continues.

I'm sorry mom... I couldn't beat the very thing that got us into this mess...

I look up onto the bright wall and see the time, noticing that school had ended a few minutes ago, also in my eyes direction was the very person I had hoped not to see during this time, Bakugou. Bruised and bandaged. I couldn't help but feel bad for how badly hurt he had gotten. So much so that both of us were in recovery girls office beds. But I knew I had to subside the thoughts of guilt. After all, we were supposed to incapacitate each other. Also one thing for sure, this school is ruthless when It comes to training. Either way, from this point on, I knew I had to try as hard as I could. The first day and I'm already in bed with someone... wait... I didn't mean it like that!

Anyway, I quickly grabbed my things and went on with my day, walking home.

Quiet and peaceful. Normally in the U.S, I would have taken the bus home. And of course, it's loud and chaotic. The back of the bus would be filled with kids screaming their heads off to music that wasn't all appropriate for their age. But thankfully now, I wouldn't have to deal with that. No chaos, just nice, relaxing, cherry blossom trees. Even if they didn't have their cherry blossoms yet. Peace and love went scrolling through my head, well... until I tripped and fell into someone.

I was so caught up in my head of serenity that I completely forgot my sense of direction.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I politely apologized.

"You should really watch where your going, a fall like that could do some damage" The stranger calmly replies.

I looked up to see the person I had caused this commotion to, and I couldn't help but stare. His hair was split directly in the center and was boldly colored white and red. His eyes where something to be amazed upon, heterochromatic eyes. Like mine. He had one eye that was brown, and another eye that was blue. With me, I had one eye that was violet and one that was blue. Not too different from each other. His expression was a little hard to read due to what I would understand to be a burn scar over his blue eye. But one thing was for sure, he wasn't calm anymore.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'm sorry, your Gina Hanako correct?" He questioned back.

"Yeah, you seem suprised about that.."

"Oh no, its just that you beat Bakugou."

"I didn't technically beat him, we had a tie match"

"But noones ever gotten that close to beating him before, which is... suprising to say the least"

"Really? He was pretty tough to beat too"

"I could bet"

"Oh, I didn't quite get your name"

"My names Shoto Todoroki"

"Im Gina Hanako... wait... which you already know"

Our conversation wnet on, it turned out that we lived on the same street and that I didn't just accidentily forget where I lived. Which was a good thing. But time went by fast, after a few minutes of walking, we had arrived to my house and it was time for me to greet him good bye.

"It was nice meeting you!" I hopefully said back to him.

"It was nice meeting you too" He said with comfort in his words.

He then turned and walked towards the other direction. And a small creeking smile escaped my lips. Though, I still couldn't get over the fact that I had lost. How come Ive been the only person in the class that has had a tie match with Bakugou? I knew I was for sure not top of the class material. But how come me? As my foughts kept racing through my head. I opened my house door to greet the loneliness and silence that was my home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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