Chapter 2

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Author's note: Some of the scenes are from the comic trips by Schusseltier and avril-circus. Please check them out because they are amazing artists. 

There was a knock at the door that morning in Moominhouse. It was a cruel chilly morning, much worse then the day before, so Moominmamma had already made a hot meal of porridge to warm everyone right up. Hot chocolate and coffee were also provided. So hearing a knock on such a chilly and unbearably cold day such as this was quite a surprise to the family that were safe inside. With some urgency in her movements, Moominmamma moved to the front door. She opened it up to the most peculiar sight. A small old woman stood before her. With her back hunched over her battered walking stick, she was at least Moomin's height. Her skin was so wrinkled that she almost looked like an old tree. She had pebble grey eyes, that seemed to almost be emotionless. She had old clothes that consisted of a long skirt that was a dark purple colour, a dark coloured shirt that almost slid off her thin frame, square brown shoes, and a tatty old shawl that was the only protection that she had against the cold. The top of her head was covered by a purple head scarf, with two pieces of thin, long, impossibly, pure, white hair that stuck out on each side of her head. In her free hand was a suitcase that was so old that the handle looked like it was going to break off at any second.

"Good morning, madam. I'm very sorry to disturb you." The old woman greeted, her voice sounded stronger than her physical appearance would have made one think.

"Oh dear! Come on inside. You look like you're going to collapse." Moominmamma gasped, noticing that the woman was shaking terribly. Whether it was from exhaustion or the cold, the mother wasn't sure. She just wanted to get the woman inside before she could injure herself.

"Thank you. I have come a long way." The woman smiled, her skin almost looked like it was pulled as she smiled. Moominmamma watched her carefully as she hobbled inside. The woman slowly sat down on the couch, sighing in such great relief that made it almost felt like she had been walking nonstop for a hundred years.

"Would you like me to get you anything? Something warm perhaps? It's freezing outside." Moominmamma offered as Moomin, Moominpappa and Little My peaked out from the dining room doorway.

"If you have any, madam, may I have some jasmine tea?" The woman asked politely, wrapping her shawl tighter around her form. Moominmamma nodded and went into the kitchen to go se if she had any. The woman spotted the family watching her from the doorway. She had a twinkle of amusement in her eyes for a few seconds. "I'm not a witch if that's what you're wondering."

"Oh no. Sorry, we didn't mean to stare." Moomin spoke up, feeling a little flustered. He carefully approached the woman, with his father and the small girl right behind him. "Welcome to Moominhouse."

"Thank you, dear. I am Madame Portia." The woman smiled, extending her shaky, wrinkled hand to the young troll.

"I'm Moomin. And this is Little My and Moominpappa." Moomin greeted as he shook her hand. It felt a little odd because he felt like he was shaking the branch of a tree then a hand.

"And I'm Moominmamma." The mother greeted as she came into the room with a cup of hot jasmine tea in her paws.

"Thank you so much." Madame Portia said as she gratefully took the cup that was offered to her. She took a sip and her face was graced with a smile of deep satisfaction. "This is the best tea that I have had in a long time."

"How long have you been walking for?" Moomin asked out of curiosity.

"I have been travelling ever since I was a tiny little girl. Feels like an eternity now that I think about it." Madame Portia answered, her eyes scanning the room carefully.

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