xxii. don't leave me pt. 2

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Bucky's POV:

I took Natasha to the hospital the next morning. I was scared, not only about Natasha, but for my best friend. I had no idea whether or not he could recover from this. Everything I told Nat yesterday was reassurance for her, and me. 

Nat's POV:

Bucky and I were sitting outside of Steve's room, waiting for someone to let us in. 

"Hi. Are you the family of Mr. Rogers?" a nurse asked.

"Yes. I'm his wife Natasha, and this is his best friend, Bucky."

"Welcome guys." the nurse said, a look of worry on her face.

"Is he okay?" I panicked.

"Um..." she paused. All my feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and fear started to settle in. "Well, yes he's fine. He'll survive, but he's in a coma. He hasn't woken up yet since the operation. I remember him asking for a...Natasha?"

"Yes. Yes, that's me." my voice was shaky.

"You guys are free to go in, I just need you to look over some stuff, because Mr. Rogers will be staying here for about a week." 

"I'll take care of it. You go in, Nat." Bucky said. 


I walked into Steve's room and sat down next to the hospital bed. Steve looked horrible, all beat up and bruised. I put my hand on his.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I could've helped you if I tried...I'm so sorry." 

No response.

"Please, wake up Steve. Please. You and Emma are all I have, and I can't, I can't tell her that her dad won't wake up. You said you'd never leave me so don't. Don't leave me." I bent down and kissed him, his usually soft and warm lips now cold and broken. 

I stood up and began to walk away when something pulled me back. 

"I'll never leave you, Natasha." Steve said weakly, giving a hint of a smile. I grinned and kissed him again, on the cheek. He winced slightly.

"Oh, sorry." 

"No, it's okay Nat. You know I have to be here for another week."

"I'll stay. I'll tell Bucky to go home and help Wanda. But I'm not going anywhere." Steve gave me another faint smile, which was the best he could do in his current situation. I went out to call Bucky inside.

Steve's POV:

Bucky came in, grinning.

"I knew it, man. I knew you'd be fine." he said.

"Thank you Buck. For everything, but you should go. Back to Wanda, I mean. She needs you right now, and I don't wanna ask you to stay another week."

"I'll stay, if you want me to."

"No, go. Be with your...what? Wait are you guys married? Did you get married?" Natasha asked.

"We didn't, actually. I think we're deciding to be partners, and she'll take my last name but we're not going to get married, at least not yet."

"Oh. Well then go, be with Wanda. You need to have your relationship too."

"Thanks, guys. I'll let Emma know you said hi." Bucky said, beginning to leave.

"Please do." Nat said, and turned back towards me. "So. What's the plan for this week?" she asked, smirking.

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