Chapitre 1

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"I think different." His brother said with a wicked grin. "What better way to seal the deal and hold 90 percent of the biggest company in Asia." His grin widen as he looked at his brother who appeared to be annoyed and very irritated.

"If you think this is such a great idea, why don't you do it?"

"I love to, but this job is perfect for you."

"Enough!" Their father finally said loudly. "You will marry her Dennis and that's final." Dennis's brother chuckled. "Be quiet Daniel or I'll change my mind and have you married her instead." He said sharply.

Daniel stopped and smiled at his brother who appeared to be even more frustrated.

The O'Neil owned one of the largest companies in Asia and to make their company bigger and stronger, Mr. O'Neil had arranged for his youngest son to wed with his rival's daughter.

"Your wedding is tomorrow and I expected for you to be there when the guests arrived."

"Tomorrow?!" Dennis said in horror. "That's too soon."

"I do not want to drag this out any longer. I need their company to merge with our so Daniel can take care of any lend that was place on their company."

"Just think of this way, brother." Daniel said slapping his brother back. "You'll be a marry man by this time tomorrow." He chuckled. Dennis pushed his brother aside.

"I don't have any saying in this am I?" He asked his father. His father shook his head. "Fine!" He stormed out of the door.

"Make sure to be there tomorrow!" His father called after him. Mr. O'Neil turned to Daniel. "Stop laughing at your brother. You should thank him because he takes your place. Besides, he needs to settle down. I had enough of his problem with women."

Dennis drove out of his father's mansion in frustration and anger. Never in a million year had he planned to wed a woman he never met. He knew nothing of this woman and not evens her name. He wondered if she dreads this marriage as much as he. Or was she happy for this marriage to happen to save her family's company?

In Thailand...

Ann Thongprasom stood in the balcony looking out at the clear sky. It was beautiful and the breezes felt great against her skin. She should be happy for this kind of night, but tomorrow would be the worst day of her life.

"Ann?" Her brother said from behind.

She turned to face him and wiped her tears. "P'Dom, what should I do?"

He walked to her and holds her securely in his arms. He carefully ran his hands over her long, dark brown hair.

Fear of the unknown welled within her. "I'm sure that father picks a good husband for me and not just some old man so that father can pay off some debts."

Dom was silent and his silent told her he could not think of any comforting words to say to her. She buried her face in his shoulder.

"We have no choice, Ann." Dom finally said and pulled away as he looked down at her. "Father is counting on you for this."

She had no choice but to except her faith.

The morning came quickly and everyone was rushing to get Ann ready for her wedding. Her job was just to arrive at the wedding on time. Wearing a beautiful white wedding dress and a veil over her head, she was rushed into a car and drove off to the wedding.

The O'Neil family was already there at the wedding. Mr. O'Neil and his son, Daniel took their private jet to Thailand the previous night after Dennis left. Dennis took the morning jet.


When the music came on, her father walked her down the aisle. She glanced around and didn't know any guests that attended. Looking forward she can see a tall figure, dressed in black giving her his back. As she gets closer she noticed his height. He was taller than her father or her brother.

Her eyes sought her father's; pleading for a final reprieve, but it was hopeless. Felt defeated, she turned and faces the priest. The ceremony felt like forever, yet it was only a short moment has passed. Her future husband hasn't taken one look at her and she was afraid to look at him.

Her voice cracking, she barely whispered the words that would forever alter the course of her life. "I do."

Beside her Dennis stood rigid as she gave her response. He exhaled loudly and said through clenched teeth, "Yes, I do."

The priest completed the holy message despite the palpable tension. When the ceremony ended, the priest smiled and said, "You may kiss your bride."

Dennis eyed the priest as if he'd lost his mind, and then turned for the first time to face his wife.

Trying to keep his expression unreadable, his gaze traversed the length of her body, stopped at her breasts, her hips. Seal this unwanted union with a kiss and his family will become one of the most powerful family in Asia? He'd not do it, not if he had to give up everything. All he'd had to do was tell the priest he protested. The ceremony would have gone no further. He couldn't do it. His father needed him and the family's business was on the line. Before he left home he'd decided not to stay with her after the wedding, wanting nothing to do with a woman his father selected. He planned to leave as soon as he took her to his home. He wouldn't change his mind now.

He reached for the veil and flipped it over her head. Suddenly, he was unable to breath and his heart was hammering against his chest as he was staring at one of the loveliest women he'd ever seen.

Ann glanced up and met his gaze. Somehow she felt like it was a mistake to look up, for she was staring at the most handsome man she'd ever seen. His eyes fixed on her and any moment he'll be kissing her. Her heart hammered against her chest at the thought of what that would be like... To taste his lips.

A moment had gone by and that kiss still hadn't happen. With everyone looking at them, Ann could feel the warmth on her cheeks. Forcing her heart to slow she glanced at her father and brother. They waited anxiety for them to seal the deal with a kiss. Since her husband couldn't do it, Ann took the matter into her own hand.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck; she lifted her face and plastered her mouth to his.

Dennis was caught off guard and was surprise by the press of her full lips against his which sent a jolt of pure pleasure rocketing through him.

Her mouth was ripe and warm so he reacted on sheer instinct; he returned her kiss with an involuntary hunger. Her taste was keenly arousing and unexpectedly sweet. Without thought, Dennis increased the pleasure by parting her lips with his thrusting tongue.

Ann's eyes widen by his bold move and as of awaken from her dream. She jerked her head and moved away from him. Both were left staring at each other and breathing hard from the passions they just experiences.

"Well, that was rather interesting." The priest said with little amusement. "Lady and gentlemen, I have you, Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil!"

Everyone stood up and applauded with a cheer.

Ann stood frozen glancing at Dennis and was embarrassed by the kiss.

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