Chapter 16: Unmatched Battle

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Rosemary knew something was wrong the moment the plane landed in Tweed New Haven Regional Airport.

     Etsuki had been complaining of abdominal cramps the entire flight and she'd gone from bored to cranky and irritated from migraines. That only meant one thing.

     "Out of all the bloody days to get my period...." The Japanese gritted her teeth and muttered as the group cleared the immigration counter. "It had to be on the day we fight an army of werewolves and Hunters."

     It came a little early, but thankfully Rosemary had some spare sanitary pads. Violet followed Etsuki to the ladies' room, while the others grabbed a drink at Starbucks.

     "I personally don't get why girls prefer tampons over pads." Rosemary took a sip of her hot chocolate. "I mean, there's always the risk of toxic shock syndrome or infections, worst-case scenario. Not to mention the fact a million things could go wrong with having something in your vagina!"

     Andrew faked a gag, covering his ears in the process. "Really, Rose? You wanna have this conversation now? In public?"

     Ashton smiled at the barista. "Hey, could I get a caramel frappucino. With chocolate chips. Oooh, and some whipped cream. Thanks." He turned back to Andrew and grinned. "Don't bother, man. I've learned to just go with it. Besides..." The blond received his cup from the barista and sat next to him, facing Sophia and Rosemary. "My ex, Katrina, said that pads felt like diapers."

     "I think I'm gonna be sick..." Andrew sighed.

      Sophia closed her eyes and sipped her divine chocolate cream chip. She sighed and revelled in its unholy deliciousness. "I mean, I get what you're saying. But tampons let me swim in peace, not to mention Katrina's right about pads feeling like diapers. Besides, I already have boys yell racist Mexican curses at me every moment in my life, topped off with 'fat' jokes. I don't need more crap about carrying pads. I use both, depending on the situation."

      Ashton's immediate instinct was to slap the nearest person for hurting Sophia, but since it was Rosemary, he decided that it probably wouldn't be productive.

     Adrian, sitting at a separate table with Logan watched as Logan wrote over a piece of paper. 

      Sophia noticed this and came over to their table. "What's that?"

     "The mortals call it 'flash paper'," Logan explained. "Magicians use them because no traces, soot or dust are left behind once they're burnt. Descendants of the Sphynx have enhanced the flash paper so that if you leave a recipient in the paper, once you burn it, it appears right in front of them." 

     "That's incredible! But, who is it for?"

     Adrian took the flash paper once Logan put the pen down, folding it neatly in half and pulled out his lighter. "The Hunters. We're sending a message to call them out. The Seekers too. Drawing them out to battle may be premature, seeing as you're all still undertrained-"

     "I beat Logan in combat training last week!" Ashton interjected.

      "That's nice. As I was saying, going with less expertise may be a setback, but we're on a time limit. Every second we wait, the Seekers get closer to uncovering the secret to the Holy Grail. If we don't act now, Denisovich and Sarlov may have already become eternal beings."

     The three werewolves watched in silence as the paper caught on fire, disappearing into thin air before their eyes.

Once Etsuki and Violet were out of the bathroom, Adrian booked two Ubers at the arrival hall to get back to Horizon Peak.

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