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at last, the school day was over. minhee packed his bag and ran out of the classroom. he was ready to go home and sleep.


the male turned his head around and saw eunsang running towards him. "oh god not this kid again."

"how was your day?" the redhead asked. minhee remained silent and continued to walk out the gates.

seeing as the taller didn't respond, eunsang spoke up, "i had a lot of fun today. i'm liking it here."

eunsang followed minhee out to the school gates, and officially off campus. neither of them spoke a word. it felt a bit awkward for him. that was until minhee noticed that he was being followed.

he stopped, "what are you doing?"


"why are you following me?"

"i umm... am walking home with you," the redhead stammered.

minhee glared at him, "why?"

"mmm... because i want to."

"don't," minhee scoffed and turned away.

"w-why not?" eunsang asked.

"because i don't want you to."

eunsang didn't say anything else, yet he still continued to follow minhee. by this point, the taller male has had enough with the new kid's behaviour.

"are you deaf? i said don't follow me!" he snapped.

the redhead seemed quite startled by the sudden change of attitude, "b-b-but-"

"just go home."

but that didn't stop him. instead, he continued to follow the blonde haired boy.

"look," eunsang said. "i insist on following you home."

minhee laughed, "why's that?"

"b-because... i want to be your friend."

those were the words that made minhee stop in his tracks. he just stood there, for a good ten seconds or so.


"hmph, not in a million years," he retorted.

"well why not?" eunsang questioned.

the blonde sighed, "listen, you don't want to hang out with me."

"why not?"

"when is he ever going to stop saying that?"

"look newbie, you don't want to talk to me if you don't want to get into trouble. go home."

"shut up, i'm walking home with you and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" eunsang said, raising his voice a bit to show confidence.

seeing as the redhead isn't going to stop, minhee finally gave in.

"sure, knock yourself out..."

"yay!" eunsang exclaimed, running right up to minhee's side.


"...and i met two new people today. i think their names are dongpyo and hyeongjun, we met in dance class and they're really nice."

throughout the entire walk home, eunsang kept talking about his school day, with minhee not really listening in on what he was saying.

"oh, and this girl came up to me today. she said she wanted to talk to me. her name is nari."

"nari." minhee tried to keep cool in front of eunsang. just hearing the girl's name made him feel sour. really sour.

"she was really nice to me, and we even sit next to each other in calculus."

and so it continued. for the rest of the walk home. until finally, minhee reached home.

"okay, now you know where i live," he sighed.

"alright, i'll be on my way home then," eunsang smiled.

"bye hyung! i had a lot of fun talking with you, see you tomorrow!" the redhead yelled out, before walking away and turning around the corner.

once he was out of sight, minhee exhaled and went into his house.

"man is that kid annoying."


i hope you enjoyed!

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