The eldest, Minato, was 12 years old and was as blond as his father and grandfather, even though his hair was as sleek as his mothers. He always styled his hair that it mimicked his father's hairstyle. Sometimes it took over an hour to get his hair that way. His eyes were like his mothers, although they had a clear blue color to them and are highlighted because of his fair skin. He has a thing for the color red, all of his outfits have bright red colors in them and his parents were barely able to safe his hair from becoming red too. He was smart, a genius even, making the resemblance between him and his grandfather even more prominent. He is more serious in ninja matters than his father was at his age, Hinata said it could be because his father is hyper, his son responded in contrast to this. Naruto teases that Hiashi has had an influence on him.

The boy next to Minato, Hikaru has his dad's personality. Although Naruto thought it hilarious when he heard the stories of teacher and villagers. He thought this was Kami's way of revenge when Hikaru's jokes happened to him. Hikaru has the dark midnight colored hair of his mother but the hair style is as messy as his father. He has the exact same blue eyes and a tanned skin as his father, one without the Byakugan. He was 11 years old and acted like the typical middle child. He is now in the final year of the academy and wants to become Hokage as well and stronger than his brother and father. Naruto and Hinata are slightly worried about the brotherly rivalry. Until Sasuke explained that they are worrying about nothing because he has their nindo to hold his promise and protect everyone precious to him. That also means his older brother and his younger sister.

The only other girl of the family was just like her mother, the 9 year old Manami, Ami for friends. She is as beautiful and kind and yet has a shy and timid side as well. She is shy and timid when she doesn't know you, she is sweet and kind when she does. She a fair skin like her mother, she has the same long luscious hair as her mom. Her eyes have a dark violet color edge with a lavender center in them near the pupils. She has light blue colored hair. Everyone said that this child was a true blessing, the perfect blend between the two parents. They even think she might possess a special bloodline because of her eyes. She is more beautiful with each passing day, when she becomes more womanly and less childlike. This to the fear of her father, Naruto. Naruto has even asked her older brothers to keep a watchful eye on their sister. Manami will have many suitors knocking on her door when she is old enough. Although many won't even dare to enter it, with her father the Hokage, her genius brother Minato and her pranking brother Hikaru. Manami is a real daddy's girl, from the moment she learned how to smile like her mother, she wounded him around her finger, but not now.

"Minato, Hikaru and Ami, do you know why you are here?" Naruto asked them in a stern voice.

"Hai" three sad voices answer.

Naruto sighs he hates to be angry with his children. 'I wanted children, I have to take the good with the bad.' "Do you know how sincere the problem is that you have caused? How dangerous it could have been?"

It stayed silent for moment until Hikaru began bursting out of his chair. "It is not my fault, they teased me. Because I don't have the Byakugan or a possible Kekkai Genkai. I wanted something that only I could do. So I ate it, but it is so cool. Do you want to see it dad?" Hikaru excited voice said already turning his fingers in to fire and some other spots too since he doesn't have any control.

"Hika-chan, don't activate it indoors please," Hinata says. When she saw that Hikaru had trouble turning it off, she used a small water jutsu to put it out.

"Are you saying it is our fault? It is not like we forced you to eat it, we only teased you a little bit and you began stuffing your mouth with the strange food. It is not OUR fault you can't take a joke", Minato said while crossing his arms.

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