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Author notes are on the bottom this time.

Reading Guide

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

~... later/sooner~ Time

-Elemental Countries - Place

~15 years later~

- The coast of Fire Country -

"This time we were able not to get involved in the current. We are now, according to the map they gave us in Fire Country, their country. Do we just head in, Pirate King?" The red headed navigator inquired.

"Yes, we will, they are waiting for us anyway." The pirate King said with a familiar Straw hat.

"Will your friends like me, Tou-chan?" A 10-year-old boy said. He had black hair with dark brown eyes. He looks like his dad when he was the same age, only he, Ace, isn't made out of rubber. He even cut a scar under his eye, but he made a mistake when he stood in front of the mirror and cut under the wrong eye. Except for the brown eyes and the scar on the wrong side, he was an exact copy of his dad. Nami was able to handle it, until she realized he has also got the same personality as his father. She needs a lot of relaxing baths to keep herself from hitting her husband. He glanced at his wife who was holding hands with their 8-year-old daughter, Umi, with her mother's orange hair and dad's black eyes. She wasn't as greedy as her mother but she knew how to act and manipulate people which comes naturally to her it seems. She hasn't been observant enough to actually watch her mother do it.

He glanced behind him and looked proudly at his crew. The crew was all there. They were all grown up, have a family.

Robin was together with Zoro and their seemingly angelic daughter with the green hair and blue eyes. She was 11 years old and was learning the way of the swords. She was being taught by Zoro and Brooks, if they had time. She was already learning quickly. He doesn't always show it, but Zoro was exceptionally proud of his little angel Kimi. She wanted to become the best sword master there was, meaning she has to defeat her father nowadays. She really is a daddy's girl and she is also a bit of a tomboy, much to her father's dislike she has her mother's morbid sense of humor.

Usopp went to his home village after Luffy became pirate King. Luffy and Nami were married and already pregnant Ace at the moment. But Usopp wanted to get Kaya and tell her all his stories, to finally win her over and propose to her, Luffy married the two of them aboard the Sunny. They now are the proud parents of twin baby girls. They are only five years old and look exactly alike, they have a pale skin, blond curly hair and a pointier nose then most babies.

Sanji was too much in love with every girl he met to really settle down. He loves all women, all the beautiful women or as he says it: 'They can't expect me to choose between all that beauty, nor expect me to ignore it as well.' He find a lot of comfort with his fellow bachelors on board, Franky and Brooks. Chopper is still on board, with probably the widest knowledge about medicine a doctor can have. They have sailed to every remote part of the world and Chopper recorded every disease and cure he faced, most of them were known but there were some that didn't have any earlier reports on. His books on medicine are nowadays described as the most complete and accurate works. Next to receiving royalties he has a second job as educating the children in other skills then fighting.

When they were all away from their ship and left some of the newer crew there to guard it, they had to make their way to Konoha, at least they will.

- Konoha -

The sixth Hokage sat down in his chair behind his desk and exclaimed a sigh. It has been his desk for 4 years now. He took it after Kakashi, the Sixth Hokage and the council thought him ready for the job. He has been in the ANBU and lead his own team of genin. They are as loyal and eager to help their village as their sensei is. Being the Hokage is everything the blond has ever dreamed it would be. But unlike his predecessor he has something he hates more than paperwork. He hates to be strict to his ninjas. He hates it even more when he has to be strict and preach his own blood. His wife stood next to him and they were both giving angry looks toward their three beautiful children.

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