ch 1 power issues

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Kuho academia, it used to be an all girls school till recently boys were allowed in. And one of those boys just so happens to be me. Hi my name is (Y/N) Saiki and if you couldn't tell I'm not your normal student

I have multiple powers that many would die for. I can bend spoons without touching them and I can hit big whenever I want to. I'm living the dream






I bet that's what you were thinking? So what if I can bend spoons? That just makes it hard to eat my curry. And winning free snacks just gives me stomach aches

If you think I'm the happiest man alive then you are dead wrong. I am the unhappiest man alive and I have nothing. Telepathy, psychokenises, foresight, x-ray vision, teleportation, clairvoyance and ect

Worst part is, is that I've had everything robbed from me. I don't know what it's like to feel a sense of accomplishment. I've never been surprised by a surprise party.

Still I wouldn't say I'm disappointed or anything. A life without ups or downs isn't bad at all

???: is that (Y/N)

(Y/N) looks up ahead and sees the president of the student council Sona Shitori

Oh it's Sona. Out of everyone in the school I like her the most because she's the same outside as she is inside. But like everyone she has her secrets also it's not my fault I know those secrets because telepathy isn't something you can turn off

Sona: good morning Saiki-kun. How's your morning so far.

(Y/N) just nodded his head and continued walking

Sona: that's good to hear. At least one of these boys isn't a complete pervert

Oh yeah this whole school is full of hormonal teenagers who have no other personality other than being a pervert. All that goes through their minds is boobs and butts and it's so irritating

Sona: tell me (Y/N) have you ever though about joining the student council

He shrugs his shoulder

Sona: hmm what a shame the council could use someone like you. At least think about it okay

(Y/N) just nodded his head and Sona says bye as they walked towards their respective classes

You're probably wondering why I didn't join. Well that's because she's a devil and no I don't mean that as in she's a terrible person. I mean that she's an actual devil as in the supernatural and she's not the only one

The whole damn council are devil's and apparently the queen of the school Rias Gremory is as well. I can only assume that the people in her club are also devils so there's that

I try my best to stay away from these devils. Worst case scenario, they find out about me and I would have to take care of them. Let's just hope that it doesn't come down to that

(Y/N) made it to his class and took his seat in the middle of the class. Class goes on normally with nothing but perverted thoughts coming from all of the students

Eventually lunch time rolls around and (Y/N) goes to his usual spot on top of the school. He's the only one there and he's eating coffee jelly

The only time I have some type of peace is when I'm at lunch but sadly the pervertedness just doubles. Well at least I'm alone up here just me and my coffee-

Then someone opened the roof door and looked around. This person turned out to be none other than the schools mascot Koneko Toujo. She walked to the edge of the rails and sat down to eat

Meanwhile (Y/N) is hanging off the side of the building

Oh great what's she doing here, this is supposed to be my spot hers is at the small tree.

(Y/N) then teleports to the bathroom and walks out while throwing away his trash. He then continues to walk down the hallway like nothing happened

You know if there's anything I hate more than being the center of attention is an anime cliche. Like imagine if I didn't dissapear from the roof


Koneko: hmm what are you doing up here

(Y/N): oh hey you're Koneko right.

Koneko: yeah now are you gonna answer the question

(Y/N): oh right well I always come here to eat because it's one of the best spots

Koneko: I prefer the tree near the kendo club. It's quite but I don't feel like dealing with the perverts today

(Y/N): I get it. They can be a pain really..... want some snacks

Koneko: uhmm sure what you got

(Y/N): I got chocolates

She smiles and sits down next to him and they spend the rest of their lunch break together laughing and enjoying each other's company. As their break ends Koneko gets a little saddened by this

(Y/N): oh well I'll see you around Koneko

He gets up and leaves and Koneko grows a frown

Koneko: he's different from the other guys. For one he isn't a pervert and he's quite nice...... I hope I'll get to talk to him again


Boy am I glad I got out of there before i accidentally got in a relationship. Anyway that's one anime cliche avoided so let's hope that was the last of them

Hmm that's wierd, I feel like somethings missing. The day shouldn't be going this smoothly. Well who am I to complain I'll just hope it goes like this for longer than today

(Y/N) goes back to his class and the rest of the day went off smoothly. No hiccup or road bump just smooth sailing

At the end of the day (Y/N) was already walking back to his home. Suddenly his anime cliche senses went off and immediately teleported away from a corner

A blonde foreigner ran past the area where she would've bumped into him. On a rooftop there was (Y/N) just looking down at the girl running around

Thank God I avoided that. I don't need any cliche in my life so I've got to be-

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and immediately teleported away. He had a shocked expression on his face because he was spotted by one of his classmates. More specifically a very shocked president of the student council

Did she see me. I hope she didn't see me or noticed me, hell I hope she just thinks I'm a magician for all I care. I just don't want any devil business in my life

Damn it Sona why did you just so happen to be looking up when I was teleporting. Well I'll have to confront her later right now I need some coffee jelly

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter of the story. Sorry if it was just mainly (Y/N) talking and no interaction but there will be more of that later. Anyway hope you enjoyed bye

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