"I'm just not used to it-" I slowed down as well, trying to catch my breath, "You know, we still haven't talked about-"

"Us?" Jace stopped, finishing my sentence.

I stop in front of him, nodding, "Yeah-"

Jace grabs my face and pressing his lips into mine for a few moments, running a hand through my hair.

The moment we pull away, I quietly spoke as Jace smiled at my words, "That was a rather excellent talk."


"Hey." I jumped the steps into the training room, Jace right on my tail as I walked over to Alec and Isabelle, "You all right?"

Alec sighs, putting his hand over his bandage, "I'm fine."

"We just spoke to Robert and Maryse." Jace filled Isabelle and Alec in, "They're being sent back to Idris."

"What?" Isabelle looked at Alec, "Another "order" from Lydia?"

I place my hands on my hips, "Who's Lydia?"

Isabelle looks down, "She's in charge of the Institute."

Jace blinks, "She's what?"

"Temporarily." Alec adds in.

Isabelle looks back up at her brother accusingly, "And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job?"

"Well, maybe they aren't." Alec looks between us all, "The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in."

Jace was as confused as I showed, "What are you talking about?"

Alec exposes the truth he had been keeping to himself, "Mom and Dad were members of the Circle."

"What?" Isabelle blurts our in surprise but she isn't buy it, "They don't have Circle runes."

"That's because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising." Alec told us what he had known, "In exchange for their cooperation, they were pardoned."

"So- now, you're questioning their loyalty?" I put my hair behind my ears, crossing my arms.

"Valentine is back, the Circle is rising." Alec looked between us all, "They're under suspicion."

"No way." Jace didn't buy it either, "Robert and Maryse took me in- they raised me as one of their own. I know what kind of people they are."

"Are you sure?" Alec snapped, "They lied to us, for years, they've been telling us how to act- that we have to uphold the Lightwood name."

"Well, they're the ones who tarnished it." Alec scoffed, "They're hypocrites."

"You two must be Zee Young and Jace Wayland." The blonde woman walked over to us and stood by Alec, holding her hand out for one of us to shake, "Lydia Branwell, you're quite the legends back in Idris."

I stay still, staring at her, "Is that so?"

"Don't believe everything you hear." Jace crosses his arms instead of shaking her hand, reacting just as I did.

Lydia looks at Alec, "Did you tell them?"

"Tell us what?" Isabelle stares at the two of them.

Alec confessed, "Lydia and I are engaged."

Lydia nods in confirmation, "We're getting married."

"What?" My face twisted in surprise.

Jace looked like he was hoping for someone to pop out and say that this was a prank, except he knew it wouldn't, "You're not serious."

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