We say bye and see other people gathering their stuff to leave too and walk out. It's silent for a while and me and Shoto still look ridiculous. "I have to change before I get home," I say.

"Hmm me too."

"I also can't keep all of this candy, you can have most of it," I say. He gives me this weird look.

"Um, my mom is strict, so yeah." This sentence comes out as a mere whisper.

"How about I keep the candy you give me to save for you, and whenever we hang out, you can eat some," he says. Then he quickly adds, "I mean if you even want to hang out at my house sometime."

I laugh a little and say, "Yeah, that would be cool, Shoto." He nods, but clearly still embarrassed.

We go into a store to change. "My siblings would make fun of me if they ever saw me in this," he says. He's smiling as he says that. The restroom in the store has a full-body mirror, so we see how ridiculous we completely look. We start laughing once again. I take out my phone to take a picture of us. He looks pretty cute.

When he sees me finish with the picture he turns around and says, "Hey! I get to take one too, now stay still." I laugh again and then try not to laugh as he's taking the picture, failing miserably. When he looks at the photo, he smiles fondly before showing it to me.

"I like your smile Katsuki."

Why is he always saying stuff like that? It makes me flustered. I turn around and head into the stall to take off my costume. I put on my black sweater and sweatpants. Then I slip my shoes back on.

Shoto had gotten into the other stall and started changing too. The scar make-up was still standing strong and the scars were completely invisible. This make-up was expensive but definitely worth it. I walk out and see if the make-up under my eyes came off too. It didn't. Then Shoto walks out and smiles at me.

"Let's go, I have to be home before curfew," I say.

I don't know if I have a curfew really, I just know that if I'm home at a late time, Mother would get mad. He nods and goes to the door. "I meant it when I said I liked your smile Katsuki, I would never lie to you. Just now that." We're outside now and I smile at him and say, "Thank you Shoto." We're standing outside the store facing each other, then I walk up to him and hug him.

He's taken aback, but then hugs me back tightly. He really does smell like apples. I feel him release a satisfied sigh. We stay like that for a good while. After that time, we pull apart and start walking towards me house. "Can I walk closer to you and put my arm on your shoulder?" He asks hesitantly. "Um, yeah sure," I say. It's so hard to pretend to be casual after he asks something like that. He has his arm around my shoulder as we walk to my house. We're near, right at the corner. Mother can't see him. "Um, here is good. Thank you Shoto," I say a little nervous. He pulls away and I feel his warmth go away. I'm holding my bag with both hands, so the bag is resting on my legs.

We're standing for a while and so then I say, "Thank you for everything you did today. I really appreciate it, Shoto. You have no idea how happy I was today. I had fun and we should hang out after school sometime, just you and me." He looks shocked. Uhhhh did that sound like a date? Maybe he thinks I'm weird now. Great I screwed up. I lost a really great person. "That would be cool. I look forward to that day."

"I can't this weekend because I made plans with Kirishima, but maybe sometime next week. Is that good?"

He nods and says, "Yes, I'm free all the time." There's a slight cheeriness to his voice. I smile and he does too.

I smile a lot when I'm with him, I notice.

"Okay, well, bye, Shoto, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye Katsuki. Are we gonna hang out at lunch?"

I look at him and nod. "Let's find another place to hang out, and I'll bring you something to eat," he adds.

"Okay Shoto. Oh wait, here take my candy bag," I say as I hand him the bag. He takes it and nods. I walk off to my house and he waits until I'm inside. The lights are off, so maybe she's asleep.

I open the door and peek out to wave goodbye to Shoto. He waves back and then I close the door.

I start making my way up the stairs quietly, and I make it to my room successfully before closing the door. I sigh and smile slightly as I think about the day. I hoped it would never end, but sadly, it had to. I put my phone to charge before getting into bed. I was in comfortable clothes, so there was no point in changing. I close my eyes and sigh happily. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.

Word Count: 2,506
I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry I didn't update earlier, I just didn't have the time and school blocks the signal. I finished this chapter just now 😅😅😅. So if there's typos, then I'm really sorry and I'll fix them ASAP. Also thank you guys for reading this. Next update will go up on Tuesday. I'm sorry if any chapter seems rushed. Have a happy Halloween!!! <3

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