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Waking up to a call from my mother wasn't the best thing I've ever woken up to. I was tired and not ready to talk about what I so surely thought she was going to talk about.

"Dylan Marie Harbour Lindemann, why on earth am I sitting in the kitchen minding my own business when I see your grade on the biology test come up on my screen? Why and how did you fail?" My mom asked harshly through the phone. My mom never yelled, but she can get mad when she wanted to.

I froze in place once I sat up, hearing my mother as she finally saw my grade. Shit.

"Mom, can we please talk about this later? It's-" I cut myself off to look at the time on the clock next to my bed on my nightstand. "It's not even 8:30 am,"

I rubbed my eyes lazily. It oddly felt like public school days, where my mother would barge into my room before my alarm even went off, waking me up reminding me I had school 1000000 times.

I heard her sigh over the line.

"Dylan, we'll talk about this later, but you better have a good excuse because this is the first time I've seen you fail this year. You were doing so good." My mom said almost in disappointment. Her tone or what she had said had no effect on me only because I wasn't fully awake yet. I was not a morning person.

"Okay, bye," I quickly said hanging up the phone. I laid my phone on my nightstand before passing out once again.


1:17 pm.

I finally open my eyes to what have felt like an eternities worth of sleep. I looked around noticing the sun was much brighter coming through my peach coloured curtains than it was earlier. I shook away the thought that I could've slept the whole day and just got up. Before I grabbed my phone I went to the bathroom. I needed a shower.

I showered and did whatever else I needed to do to get ready. I still had no idea what the time was.

I was wearing this ↓

 I finally walked over to get my phone

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I finally walked over to get my phone.

1:53 pm.

I really did sleep the day away, huh.

I saw on my phone, a bunch of texts from the group chat consisting of Me, Carter, Jaden, Anthony, Payton, Griffen, Josh, Bryce, Tayler, Chase and Noen. There were a lot of us.

Everybody was saying that they all wanted to go to some kind of huge mall.

I walked out into the kitchen, to see Carter in no sight. I furrowed my eyebrows once I saw a note on the fridge.

I'm gone out with the guys to the mall forra few hours. If you need me just call or text me. Ly - Carter <3

I sighed and ripped the piece of paper off of the fridge. I remembered I had to talk to my mother so I threw the paper in the trash and got something quick to eat, sitting in front of my laptop examining my school work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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