These Warlords Don't Know What They're About To Unleash Onto The Battlefield

Start from the beginning

"Go after her Masamune and make sure she doesn't get lost."

"I'm on it!"

Masamune spoke with a grin before he spurred his horse to go after Arianna. Masamune and Arianna galloped through the field as the morning sun rose and then Masamune shouted.

"Hey! slow down!"

"Non c'è modo! (No way!)"

Arianna shouted happily before her horse jumped over a log and then Masamune followed after her. Eventually, Arianna slowed her horse down and then Masmaune finally caught up to her. Arianna giggled as Masamune's horse trotted over to her.


"What took you so long, indugiatore? (slowpoke?)."

"You were riding so fast! I couldn't keep up with you, shockingly."

"Hehe, let me guess, you've never been beaten by a girl until now?"

"Nope and you are interesting and entertaining lass."

"Perché grazie (Why thank you)," I said as I bowed slightly to him.

"Don't you even know how to speak Japanese?"

"Not really, I usually have someone to translate for me but, I don't know what happened to him after we nearly got caught by the guards."

"I see, well, if you need someone to teach you, Mitsunari is you man for the job."

"I'll keep that in mind, Drago (Dragon)."

I spoke with a smirk. Masamune and I chatted for a while and I taught him a few Italian words before the Oda army showed up. Hideyoshi frowned at me and he said to me.

"Honestly! don't go running off like that, you're just as bad as Masamune!"

"Mi dispiace, non parlo scimmia (Sorry so, I don't speak monkey)."

Masamune laughed and then Hideyoshi asked him while I trotted away from them.

"Do you know what she just said?"

"Kind of but, I'm not telling you, Monkey."

Hideyoshi frowned at Masamune as he caught up with me. We eventually got to Azuchi and I was impressed when I saw the castle.

"So that's Azuchi Castle."

"Impressed?" Nobunaga asked me as I rode next to him while we walked through the town.

"You can say that especially since I've never seen a Japanese Castle before."

We got to the entrance and then another warlord arrived to greet us.

"Ieyasu, I see you've returned as well."

Nobunaga said as he helped me off my horse.

"I received word that something happened in Honno-Ji but, when Mitsunari came back first, he told me what happened."

Ieyasu glanced at me and I said to him.

"Ciao il mio nome e- (Hello, my name is-)"

"What the heck is she even saying? she looks pitiful."

Several tick marks appeared on my head and I growled angrily.

"Uh, Ieyasu-sama, you shouldn't have said that."

"Why not? I spoke the truth, didn't I? Besides, why should we welcome someone who has no idea where she is and knows nothing about the area?"

At that moment, that was when I snapped. I punched Ieyasu in the face and I sent him flying. He crashed landed near the entrance.

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