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Hi, my name is Celine. I'm in 7th grade and I go to SJV. I have a little sister named Nicole, who is a bit annoying sometimes. I've been doing volleyball for a long time by now. I live in Easton and in a neighboring town, there's an annual fair. One thing that I want to mention before the story is my best friends, Celina and Synthia. To start off, Celina is a very sweet girl. She's awesome and just a great person. Synthia is also the same. Synthia's a strong person. No one would get in the way of the two. My life has changed when I met them. I met Celina at the practice of the parade for our church. My friend, Mary, introduced her to me. Mary couldn't make it to the fair last night for some reason. So back to how I met Celina, I knew somehow she was going to be a good friend Not even a good one, a great one. And I think I met Synthia first, then Celina. I met Synthia from band when I first joined the trumpet class because drums wasn't working out for me. So I'm thankful for band. Like very thankful because if I didn't join, my life would be very miserable. They're one of the best things to ever happen in my life. And somehow, they don't think im annoying! Like that's the best thing to have as a friend. Actually, a best friend.

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