"Good morning Snufkin." Moomin cheerily called out to him.

"Morning Moomin." Snufkin smiled. As Moomin sat down, the traveller put down his mug and picked up a saucer. Moomin watched as he put some porridge in it. "How are you this morning?"

"Cold. But other than that, I'm okay. You?" Moomin smiled as well. He felt a little bit warm as he sat near the fire. Snufkin nodded as he started eating. Moomin noticed someone was missing from the scene. "Where's Joxter?"

"Father's gone off somewhere. He actually left last night. Don't ask me what he's doing because he didn't tell me. I don't even know where in Moominvalley he is." Snufkin shrugged a little.

"He has a habit of doing that, doesn't-" Moomin tried to ask.

"My! Don't even think about it." Snufkin suddenly scolded. Moomin looked around the traveller to see Little My behind him. She looked like she would have pounded on her younger brother and frightened the living daylights out of him if Snufkin hadn't caught her out.

"How'd you know I was here?!" Little My shouted, not happy that the traveller had somehow sensed that she was going to try to scare him.

"If I've told you once, then I've told you a thousand times by now: I'm used to your tricks. You can't get me that easily." Snufkin smiled smugly. Little My huffed and sat down bitterly next to Moomin. "Tell you what though? You might have a slight chance of getting me at the party tonight up at Moominhouse." Moomin had almost forgotten about the party up at the house tonight. Everyone in Moominvalley had said that they'd come. Moomin liked to dress up, it was one of his favourite things to do during the holiday. He helped his mother bake some of the Halloween treats such as spider cookies and some cranberry juice that looks like blood. He also helped with some of the party games such as a skeleton puzzle and picked some apples for the apple bobbing game. He even spent most of the night before making his costume.

"What are you two going to be this year then?" Snufkin asked, trying to avoid having a bit of typical sibling argument that Little My might drag him into.

"I'm coming as a ghost this year." Moomin grinned, feeling excited.

"I've decided to come as a creepy little rag doll." Little My smirked, already thinking of ways to prank everyone at the party, especially Snufkin. Snufkin rolled his eyes a little, already knowing what she may be planning. "What about you? Wait! Let me guess! You're going to to be a not-so-scary scarecrow again." Little My went into a laughing fit, falling off of the log that she and Moomin were sitting on. Moomin and Snufkin sighed and shook their heads in sync. She was going to be like this for a while.

"Actually, I was going to go as a zombie this year. Something a little different for me I think." Snufkin said, talking over his sister's annoying laughter. "Mymble's actually helping me a little bit with that."

"So you finally give big sister a chance to doll you up! That's going to be fun to watch!" Little My cackled, causing Snufkin to roll his eyes. When his eldest sister found out about who he was, she had tried to take every opportunity she had to make him look more presentable. Obliviously, Snufkin had turned down the offer every time when she offered to sort out his hair and give him some new clothes (one of the many things Snufkin never really liked). She even offered to get him a new hat, which filled him with horror and refuse the offer profusely. It was only up until yesterday that he asked her to help out with his face paint and making an old shirt and trousers that he had to help make him look more like a zombie. It was the only way that he felt like would satisfy her enough to try to not make him look all awfully new and clean. Now that Little My knows about what he planned to do tonight, she's never going to leave him be about it for a long time. He shuddered at the thought of her possibly taking part in his "doll up" as she put it.

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