Unspoken Words

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A thank you to a cleaner, a praise for their efforts, a smile to motivate, a kind gesture are often hard to do. Words that hold power to change the entire world of  a person or a being are hard to tell. Its their job, we say in our mind countless number of times,trying to avoid an emotional situation hoping that we don't expose ourselves completely, an attempt to let the life go on without interfering in other peoples business, A wish to not feel their pain, their worries that might break us apart. Sometimes being dumb and following the usual can help to cope up with the world because the more we get to know others the greater are the chances of forming a unbreakable bond where now our lives are intertwined and depends on each other.

Same goes with our loved ones. We love them and are ready to do almost everything to make them happy. But sometimes we keep things to ourselves and hide our emotions. We seldom praise our mothers, hug our fathers, tell truth to our siblings, only to not worry them but also to  not  get to know about their hidden pain, desires and efforts. We are weak when it comes to them. We are ready to fight a loosing battle but are afraid to take a step in knowing the real them, their efforts they put in upbringing us, their sacrifices, their dreams, their worries, their life in short. Words will not be enough to express things they have done for us for love sake. From the moment we are born they have given their 100% to make us happy and give a life that they ones dreamed for them but were unable to pursue, so now they combine their love with dreams and provide us with every essential components needed to live a life happily . They themselves are ready to make sacrifices and change but when it comes to us, they are always ready to protect us and our believes no matter how small or ridiculous it sounds, they are ready to fight beside us and sometimes behind us giving a little push boosting our confidence and assuring us that they will always be there no matter what happens.

Knowing everything  can sometimes be a burden that we can't unburden easily no matter how much we try or  how long it has been. We start to feel guilty. Our parents and people who love us will never want their child to suffer because of them, so now they try to hide their pain and put a brave front along with a wide smile not wanting to show the real them. Words are needed to tell or express what we are feeling and what we want but unspoken words says a lot. Pretending can work for sometime but as we grow the actions, the fake smile, the mask they had put on can be identified even without asking . These unspoken words are louder than our screams and can tear or pierce right through our heart even when we turn a blind eye and try to avoid them, still they can be heard. 

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