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His whole body bolted up from his bed, sweat trickling down his forehead and skin, breathing rigged, loud and fast as his heart drummed against his chest, feeling tight.

It took Shiki a long look around the almost-pitch black cabin, that was partially illuminated by the stars outside; for him to start to gain his composure... and the lean man looked down at his hands, realising that it was just another nightmare.

The still panting boy closed his big  (usually) bright eyes, still sat up on his bed, and held the pearl-white duvet closely to his chest, like a life-line.

Although the commotion he had just made, the cabin was soundproof, so no one had probably heard him. There was a deafening silence in his room. It was cold and isolating.

The ravenette winced as he placed one bare foot after another onto the cool floor, and stood up reluctantly, the padding of feet being the only noise now present.

The automatic door made a faint whistle sound as it slid open, allowing Shiki to walk out of it, in only his boxers. His skin started to feel cold against the night air well- it was cold in space anyway...

...and if he had felt isolated in his room earlier, well...

He let out a sigh, before bringing up the back of his hand to ruffle through his messy, thick black hair. He glanced around, eyes squinted as he tried to make out the doors from the walls in hollowing darkness.

Remembering Rebecca's room was right nexto his, he placed his hand softly on the wall beside his own door, trusting touch to guide him there. After a few steps; he could feel the wall stick out more... probably the door frame.

His hand lingered over the button that would open it- however he was reluctant to. Shiki was planning on entering her room, and asking to talk for a bit... not about the nightmare ofcourse, he didnt want to trouble her with that. However, he kinda needed someone to talk to right now.

He shivered, his toes starting to take in the sharp, cold air.

If he did go in... it might look kinda questionable... half naked. No doubt Rebecca would yell at him, and kick him out... then in the morning get an ear-full from Happy about how much of a pervert he is.

He shook his head, turning slightly on his heel, and now that his eyes were adjusting more to the dark he faced the door opposite the blonde girl's.

Weisz wouldn't mind right? Sure, he seems to get annoyed a lot by the black-haired boy, but he is a guy too, plus, Shiki found his voice and presence comforting.

He smiled slightly, slowly walking over towards the door, before this time actually pressing the button as it shifted open.

Weisz's room window was facing one of the moons in space, so was softly illuminated, making it easier to see. The man was laid down, asleep, his head resting on the chalk-white pillow under him facing the door.

Shiki smiled, before slowly and carefully walking closer to the bed, careful not to wake up the other man, well... yet.

Once closer, he knelt down, facing the sleeping face of Weisz Steiner. The ravenette's breath hitched. Was this a good idea?

He hadn't been this close to the blond's face before. There was no doubt he was handsome. He had this charming look about him, that was hard to pin down to one specific detail.

He felt his heart quicken as he lightly touched some of his soft hair, that cascaded down a small part of his face.
Shiki couldn't help but wonder if the professor had any nightmares, too. He was never one to talk about feelings. Weisz wasnt a very open book.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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