Part 3. timeless

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Jack jumped a little, the voice not really catching him by surprise and more just genuinely freaking him out.

His eyes scanned the shadows, narrowing as he spotted the figure.

"Pitch..." Jach growled lowly, the grip on his staff tightening.

The boogyman chuckled, petting one of his nightmares that materialized next to him.

"Nice to see you again Jack. It's been a while"

Jacks heart skipped a beat. Out of fear? Or something else...
He shoved that thought to the back of his mind, forcing himself to focus.

"Back to get your butt kicked so soon?" Jack asked, not moving an inch.
His head hurt from the collision with the wall, but it wasn't anything he hadn't felt before.
"I thought you would hide for at least a couple more-"

He was cut off by a surprise attack from pitch, a bolt of sand blasting infront of him and sending him flying.

He hit the wall, gasping for breath as he looked up just in time to dodge.

Pitch flew towards him, hands open and glowing golden eyes narrowed.

Jack rolled out of the way, swinging up his staff and sending a cold Ray of Frost at him in response.

Pitch dodged around it with surprising speed, a hand wrapping around jacks neck and squeezing.

"It's time for you to stop talking and listen for once" pitch said in a dark tone, eyes locked with jacks.

Jack wheezed, trying to wiggle away as pitch ripped the staff from his hands.

Pitch black laughed a little, chucking jacks surprisingly light body into a tree.

Jack fell forward after his back struck wood, eyes wide in surprise and pain.
How did he get so fast?

He struggled to stand, falling back down on one knee as pitch pointed his staff at him.

"Now.. this seems familiar" pitch said cooly, watching Jack struggle on the ground.

"T-the other guardians will be here any minute pitch... you won't win. EVER." Jack spat back, glaring daggers at the dark figure.

"Defient as ever I see" pitch laughed, leaning on the staff. "Do you really think they care about you Jack? What happens when your little friend moves on and no one believes in you anymore? You think your a guardian? Your nothing like them."

His words seemed to hit a little harder then pitch anticipated, watching Jacks anger waver a little.

"I can sense your hesitation... Your fear of being forgotten. Face it Jack. Eventually, everyone gets sick of the cold. Just like the dark, they shut it out and leave it behind as soon as it doesn't have any appeal."

Pitch took a step back.

"I offered you a place with me once before and you denied. But my offer still stands. You think they will come for you? I doubt anyone would even notice you were missing."

Jacks hands balled into fists.

"They may call you a guardian now, but we both know how fragile it is. One screw up from you and... Ha... You know what happens all to well now don't you."

Jack yelled out angrily.

He was letting pitches words get in his head! Focus Jack... He always does this.

Jack climbed to his feet, taking a few steps and lunging at pitch with an angry yell.

"Fine then. I guess I'll have to help you myself." Pitch said, watching as Jack lunged at him.
He sidestepped, letting Jack miss him completely.

"It's our turn Jack. And your going to help me... One way or another."

Jack turned to lunge again, and pitch took the opportunity to take the icy staff and easily break it over his knee.

The small boy gasped in pain, doubling over as he clenched his stomach.

"N-no!" Jack gasped, falling to his knees as the red hot pain spread through his limbs.
Damn it that hurt.

He couldn't even take a breath before pitch grabbed the back of his jacket and threw him at the wall again.

Jack felt the impact all along his spine, falling back down to the ground with a soft thud.

He lay there dazed, his eyes half closed as he felt the pain slowly creep through him once more.

Soon pitch was towering over him, the two pieces of his staff in hand.

"Sorry Jack, but it has to be done. To save you from yourself"

The boy clearly didn't understand, making pitch chuckle in amusement.

He bent down, grabbing jacks hand and helping him to his feet.
Too dazed to pull away, jacks eyes widened as pitches strength practically dragged him up by his arm.

Jack opened his mouth in confusion.

Pitch smiled, his face inches away from jacks.

There was a flash of movement, and then silence.

Jacks gasp for air broke the moment of tranquility, feeling a slow building pain starting to spread from his abdomen.
Pitch pulled away, a long blade of dark sand ripping out of jacks stomach.

Jack stumbled back as dark sand started to creep up around the large gash, seemingly eating away at his skin.
He fell back to his knees, eyes wide.

What was happening? It all was so fast..
His mind swam and vision blurred, pain starting to dull his senses.
He looked up at pitch with disbelief, barely able to watch as the man proceeded to fix his broken staff with dark sand holding the shattered wood together.

Jack faltered and brought out his arms to catch himself, straining to keep himself awake.
He had to warn the others! Pitch had gotten so much stronger..
He tried to move but his limbs wouldn't respond.
Watching the dark sand seem to crawl up his chest made him feel queezy.
Was he going to die?

His head swam and one of his arms collapsed in exaustion, making him crumple all the way to the ground.

Pitch stood over him, dropping the now repaired staff on the ground next to him.

"You know Frost... I could so easily just kill you right here and now. Another light in my path... Snuffed out forever."

He knelt down again, lifting jacks head up off the snowy ground by the chin.

"But I know what you really are. The potential you and I have together... I guess we will find out soon how far it will take us"

Jack was barely hearing a word pitch said.

Pitch let go, dropping his head back to the ground and picking up the magic snowglobe that had fallen out of jacks pocket.

"I'll be seeing you seen Jack. Try not to die"

He shook the snowglobe, whispering the words "North Pole" and shattering it on the ground.

A glowing, vortex like portal opened up and pitch used his foot to shove jacks limp body inside, followed by the boys staff.

And just like that, pitches plan had been set in motion. Little by little, he would tear the guardians apart.

Cold And Dark Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora