''I needed some air.'' I confided as I got back up to meet her eyes. She gulped down, something flickering in her eyes. It took a moment to get the words out as she gaped at me.

''Well, I think it might be time for you to get back to your room, it's getting late and tomorrow is a big day.''

''Of course, Your Majesty.''

I was just about to leave her alone when she stopped me, ''Lady Kaelie.'' I turned my head to look at her but she didn't, her back facing me, ''Best of luck for tomorrow.''

I didn't know if this was some kind of threat or simply her being nice but I didn't say anything, unable to wrap my head around it.

Tegan escorted me back to my room in silence. I wanted to ask how was Wayne, if he had said anything but knew better. I had been warned about this behavior and I didn't want to hurt Wayne even more than I thought I already did.

I was surprised to find another guard by my door as we approached it, relief flooding through me when I realized who it was.

''You can go to sleep Tegan, I'll take it from here,'' Wayne told him and Tegan bowed to us before leaving us alone.

I stood there facing him, trying to find out what he thought. I heard him sigh and then he said, ''I'm sorry.''

''So am I,'' I replied and couldn't stop myself. I hugged him, the scary thought of losing him finally leaving me. He instantly hugged back, pressing me harder against his chest.

''No matter what I said, I wouldn't let anything happen to you.''

I breathed relief and stepped away from him with a smile on my face. ''So you will help me?''

The sparkle in his eyes stopped and he shook his head, ''I still won't help you for that. I still believe you shouldn't want anything to do with fighting.''

''Oh.'' I blinked at him, trying to erase the disbelief on my face, ''Even if that's what I want?''

''I want what's best for you, and that is your safety.''

Just like that, I felt miles away from Wayne although we were so close. I nodded once and tried to smile although I felt disconnected from him, disappointment engulfing me in a wave of solitude. ''I'll see you tomorrow then.''

''Sleep tight.''

With that, I opened my door and disappeared behind it, knowing very well he wouldn't follow me this time, his eyes telling me he was on the rational side tonight.

September 4

I had to do it.

''Good morning Darkovia, what a beautiful day for change. I apologize deeply for the rude end of the last show, we had some technical troubles.'' The King adjusted his suit, his eyes roaming the crowd, ''The projects the Ladies showed were all wonderful in their own way, all of them thought of something unique, something useful for you and our kingdom.''

''What happened to you the other day? Did he hurt you?'' Elizabeth whispered in my ear as she fidgeted, her hands playing with her dress. She looked on edge.

I took her hand but she jerked back before muttering sorry, ''It's fine, he didn't hurt me other than bruising my arm. I thought for a second he might kill me though.''

She let out a wry laugh, staring down at her hands, ''That's merciful.''

I couldn't ask what that meant as the King got an envelope out of his suit jacket, ''Now, I have the final vote for the project you decided to implant.'' He slowly unfolded the paper, drawing out the winner. I held my breath as he read, ''The project that will be established is the shelter for several families, from Lady Elizabeth. Please come forward!'' She gulped down and slowly walked to the front.

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