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Victorie Stevens.

The name means absolutely nothing to me. I don't know who that man was at the campground last night but I think he must have mistaken me for someone else. I sent an owl to my mum and dad as soon as we returned to the Burrow asking if they knew anyone by this name, their answer came earlier this morning. Neither of them have any idea who she is. I've decided I'm not going to dwell on it any longer.

The next few days at the Burrow are spent enjoying Mrs. Weasley's cooking and helping George and Fred test out some new tricks. George has been awfully flirty with me since I arrived at the Burrow and I have no idea what's gotten into him. He's never paid me any attention like this before. I've been meaning to get Hermione alone to ask for her opinion on the matter but there's so many people here its hard to ever be alone in a room. Maybe I'll try once we arrive at Hogwarts, Hermione and I share a dorm.

I decide to wait until tomorrow morning to pack up all of my things, I really don't care if we're late getting to Kings Cross. The only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Professor Snape, he's my favorite teacher. Unlike everyone else in Gryffindor I really like Professor Snape, it's something I try to hide from all my friends. He's never treated me badly the way he does Harry and the rest of Gryffindor. This is just another thing that makes me feel out of place. Sometimes I wonder why I can't just be normal and think the way everyone else around me does.


My last night at the Burrow goes by extremely fast and before I know it, it's time to get up and get ready. It seems I wasn't the only one who put off packing. Ron and Harry are both frantically trying to fit everything in their trunks as Mrs. Weasley yells for us all to come downstairs for breakfast.

Once everyone has eaten we gather outside as muggle taxis arrive to take us to Kings Cross. This is the first time I have ever travelled in one before and I must say it's a rather odd form of transportation. The car is small, leaving hardly any room for personal space. I'm in between George and Fred, the twins are discussing this years Quidditch team which causes the muggle driver to give us questioning glances. Despite his obvious curiosity, the man keeps quiet.

Surprisingly, we arrive at Kings Cross on time. The train station is packed as always with hundreds of muggles and wizards alike. We make our way to Platform 9 3/4 and I am shocked to see my parents waiting at the barrier. "Brianna! We had to see you before you left for Hogwarts." My mum says, pulling me in for a hug.

"We also brought you a present." My dad has something hidden behind his back. "It's not the pet you've always wanted, but an owl is allowed at Hogwarts." Dad tells me, revealing a beautiful eagle owl. When I first started at Hogwarts I asked my parents for a snake as a pet, but they aren't allowed at school. "Her name is Juniper. What do you think?" Mum asks. I bend down to look at the owl in the cage. "I love her, thank you!"

"We thought it was time for you to have an owl of your own. Now you can write to us more often." I give my dad a hug and take Juniper. "Come on, lets get to the Platform before you're late." I follow my parents through the barrier to 9 3/4. It seems the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione are already on the train.

"There's something special happening at Hogwarts this year. I can't say anymore about it, but you'll be spending Christmas at school. I hope you have a wonderful year, I love you." My mum tells me, giving me on last hug. "I love you too. Could you give me a hint at what it is?" The news that I will be spending Christmas at Hogwarts makes me dread this year even more. "It's a surprise, dear. I promise it'll be fun though." I highly doubt that.

I gather my things and board the train. After being surrounded by everyone the past couple weeks I decide to take an empty compartment and be alone for a little bit. The train takes off from the station and the long journey to Hogwarts begins. Enjoying the peace and quiet, I rest my head against the window and close my eyes.

There is screaming all around me. I'm no longer on the Hogwarts Express but rather in what appears to be a cell. Every bone in my body hurts, I try to move but I can't. It feels like I'm in someone else's mind, seeing and feeling all the same things as them. There is a black hooded figure outside the cell, a dementor. I must be in Azkaban. The air around me is ice cold and everything feels so dreary. "Can you hear me?" The voice comes from my lips but it's not mine. "Brianna?"

"Wake up!" I open my eyes to see Draco Malfoy standing over me. I quickly sit up, trying to understand what just happened. I thought my dreams couldn't get any weirder but this one was something else. I try to focus on what I just experienced but Malfoy is still looming over me. "What are you doing in here?" I ask. "I was walking by and you were talking in your sleep, it was weird." Malfoy is staring at me as if I'm a crazy person. Given what just happened, maybe I am. "Well I'm awake now so you can go." Malfoy leaves, slamming the compartment door shut.

Once I'm alone the silence around me becomes deafening. All I can think about is the sound of my name echoing in the Azkaban cell. Perhaps it would be a good idea to talk to Professor Trelawney, as crazy as that sounds. I need to know if this is just horrible nightmares or if there's something more going on. I know Trelawney gets things wrong more times than not but I'm desperate at this point.

For the remainder of the journey I stare out of the window and watch the rolling hills go by and make sure I don't fall back asleep. I hate the feeling of dread I get every year upon arrival at Hogwarts. I pick at the skin around my fingernails, a nervous habit I can't seem to break. I gather all my things and go to find Hermione, Ron, and Harry. "Where were you?" Hermione asks. "I didn't get much sleep last night so I found an empty compartment and took a nap." It wasn't a complete lie.

"You got an owl?" Ron notices, eyeing Juniper in her cage. "My parents gave her to me for my birthday." Hagrid's voice looms over us calling the first years to come to him. We make our way to the carriages being pulled by the thestrals. I've always been able to see the winged horselike creatures but I don't know how. I haven't witnessed any death before. I never told anyone else but Professor Snape that I can see them. I was freaking out my second year when we took the carriages for the first time and no one else noticed the odd creatures. Their presence is almost calming now.

The Great Hall is swarming with the ghosts as soon as we arrive. Peeves is already causing trouble of course, throwing down water balloons. I've always wondered what he was like when he was alive. There's no point in asking though, he never takes anything seriously. His mischief reminds me a lot of George and Fred.

The sorting ceremony goes by rather quickly and Dumbledore begins to make his yearly welcome speech. I zone out for most of it, still thinking about the odd dream I had on the train. But I begin to pay attention when he mentions there will be no Quidditch this year. This must have something to do with the surprise my parents talked about. Dumbledore was just about to tell us what's going on when thunder rumbles outside interrupting him.

The doors of the Great Hall swing open at the same time reveling a strange man. He walks past our table and I could've swore than for a moment he stared curiously at Harry and me. I don't know why, but I have a really bad feeling about him.

Dumbledore introduces the man as our new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Moody. Once Moody is seated at the table along with the other teachers Dumbledore continues his announcement. "We are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event which has not been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."

Everyone else seems to be thoroughly excited about the event, especially Fred and George. However, Dumbledore ruins their hope of glory when he mentions that there's an age restriction to enter. The Great Hall fills with chatter of the Tournament and how exciting this year will be. I manage to sneak out during while no one is paying attention and head to the common room. I've had about as much as I can take of socializing today. I walk up to my dorm to find a solid black owl pecking at the window next to my bed. I open the window and as soon as I take the letter it flies off into the night. The handwriting is the same as the note from the other night.

Brianna Elaine,

I know who you really are. I will be coming for you soon.

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