CHAPTER 7- That moment when someone knows more about your mom than you...

Start from the beginning

I let out a chuckle. "You're just weirded out by the fact that your sister's destined to marry him."

"Shut up!" She said, scowling.

A tigmamanukan suddenly flew and perched on my lap with a scroll in one of it's claws. I carefully opened it, and inside was a note in golden letters:

"Maya, reincarnation of Mayari, you are requested to go to Sector 1, Highest Rank's Office."

I sighed heavily. "Looks like he's giving me another mission." I waved my hand lazily at her. "See you later I guess..."


I then opened the door to the office of my 'dad'. Well, 'Mayari's dad'.

The office was an almost-empty room that only had a simple table, a few chairs, a small drawer, and a window.

I sighed. "What do you request for me to do today, Sir Allen?"

Allen (AKA Bathala) is a 40-ish year old man who looks exactly like the guy in the KFC logo. I kid you not, he got the mustache and everything. The only difference is that this guy has no glasses, his suit has the theme 'floral purple', and he's strict as heck.

"Maya, I need you to go to a place where we spotted a girl about your age that is the reincarnation of the goddess Hanan."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "Dispatching a deity? Don't you usually send a minor deity for that?"

He sighed. "Well, yes, but this is a......special situation."

"What do you mean, special situation?"

He deadpanned. "Maya, do you even listen to the heritage classes? Hanan's Mayari's sister."

"........MAYARI HAS A SISTER?!?" I cried out in disbelief.

He sighed, clearly irritated. "Yes, she has a sister. Now, are you gonna accept the task, or are you just gonna be wasting our time freaking out about it."

".....Uh, fine, I guess...." I said hesitantly.

He nodded approvingly. "Good. This is her home address, now go."

"Yes, Sir!" I said as I went to get out of the room, but hesitated at the door.

"One more thing, Sir Allen."

A sigh. "What?"

"Exactly how many technical children do you have-"




"When will she come back home from school again?" I said to the walkie-talkie, feeling annoyed for having to wear a ridiculous shrub disguise waiting for the past hour.

"Just be patient, Maya-Oh look, the bus is coming." Allen said in an obviously fake enthusiastic voice. "Signing out. Remember the mission!"

"Wait, What if something bad happens-"

"I'll send Ribu with you, if you're that worried."

"But what if that's not enoug-"

"YOU HAVE YOUR KAMPILAN*[1] WITH YOU, FOR GOODNESS SAKE." He then proceeds to hang up on me. Great.

I then heard a loud engine sound from across the street, making me jump a little. I quickly averted my attention to the road, and I saw a big yellow bus come up and stop. 

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