CHAPTER 9- OOH, UPGRADE! wait, who dat

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We opened the door and went inside and was able to close the door at the last possible minute.

...I want to go home.


"...Where are we?" I said, bewildered at what I saw inside the room where we were.

The place was being supported by a few pillars. It was pretty wide and it also had a lot of space, considering the fact that there was nothing inside except for about twelve pedestals with random things on it.

When Maya saw what was inside, she groaned and covered her face with her hands. "So that's why it was a little harder than normal to cast the door. And seriously, of all places Ribu, why here?!?"

For once, Ribu looked ashamed. "It was the closest place that I knew where we could be safe for a while. Wait, let me think..." He then started muttering.

She groaned again.

"Wait, what's wrong with staying here for a while? I thought you said this was a safe place to be in.....right?"

"Oh, this is a safe place. We're not supposed to be here though." Maya said, breaking out of her little breakdown.

"....What do you mean, we're not supposed to be here?" I said slowly, trying my best to push down my nervousness.

"....Uh, she meant that this is a strictly off-limits area. Only high-rank deities are allowed to enter here." Ribu must've seen the look on my face, because he quickly added, "But I'm sure they'll let us off with this one since we were gonna die if we didn't go here."

I sighed shakily. "Is there anything else you guys didn't tell me that was highly important?"

"....Uh well you see," Ribu started to say, making me and Maya look and see the slightly nervous expression on his face. "I realized just a while ago. that Maya cast the door, and the door's still not gone, so I got nervous and confused since that was one of the main reasons why I led us here, but then I remembered: magical doors take a while to disappear so-"

He was cut off by a loud continuous banging and scratching sound on the door that got harder every single time.

"...Yeah, we're not safe." He finished his nervous rambling with nervous sweat.

".....Ribu." Maya said sweetly, smiling so dangerously at him that I got goosebumps and he started backing away slowly.

"Y-Yes?" He said, genuinely scared.

"You do know that this is extremely vital information that you should've immediately told us when you had realized it, right?" She said, going closer to him step by step.


"And you do know that you should've used common sense and think before you acted so that you could've avoided a situation like this, since we still don't know how to use all of our powers, right?"

She had now cornered him by the time she had finished her question.


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