Glory to Arstotzka

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Inspector Cosmos: Next!

*A man walks in with only black clothes*

Inspector Cosmos: Papers please.

???: I have none.

Inspector Cosmos: NO PAPERS!? THIS IS A OUTRAGE!

???: I am the king of the underworld and I will do as I want!

Inspector Cosmos: Well EVERYONE needs papers to cross the border!

Lord Ethan: No they don't.

Inspector Cosmos: Oh yes they do!

Lord Ethan: I will kill you if you don't let me pass!!

Inspector Cosmos: Ok m-may move a-along, s-sorry for the inconvenience!

Lord Ethan: Finally!!!

Inspector Cosmos: Next!

*two women come in holding frying pans*

Inspector Cosmos: Papers please.

*the women give Cosmos the papers*

Inspector Cosmos: So you there on the left, you are Maya Adams correct?

Maya: Yes.

Inspector Cosmos: And you there on the right, you are Ginga Adams correct?

Ginga: Yes.

Inspector Cosmos: Ok you may go.

Maya: I have a question!

Inspector Cosmos: Yes?

Ginga: Have you seen a man with all black clothing?

Inspector Cosmos: Yes I have. He was also a pain in the ass when he was here!

Maya: Ok then see you later!

Inspector Cosmos: Wait why do you want to see him?

Maya: Oh, he just owes me a frying pan that's all.

Inspector Cosmos: Oh yeah, I understand. Next!

*A man with a robotic suit and tail comes in*

Inspector Cosmos: Papers please.


Inspector Cosmos: Wait what?

???: *leaves*

Inspector Cosmos: Ok then.....moving on. Next!

*Two women walk in*

Inspector Cosmos: Papers please.

*The women give Cosmos the papers*

Inspector Cosmos: So you are Queen Historia correct?

Historia: Yes.

Inspector Cosmos: And you are Hellia?

Hellia: Yes.

Inspector Cosmos: Well Hellia I am free this evening, so if you want to we can go out?

Hellia: Ewwww, gross! You!? No way!

Inspector Cosmos: Come on! I am rich AND I can transform into a golden three headed dra- *gets slapped*

*Histora and Hellia run away*

Inspector Cosmos: Blyat!!

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