The Rating Game

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Grayfia: 3...2...1... Begin!

They all ran in their assigned directions. I watched Kiba

Suddenly, a rook and two knights jumped out of the bushes to greet him, along with a bishop further away.

Kiba: Greetings Risers' pieces, I would prefer to not hurt you, so surrender now or get beat down.

Isabel: No

Kiba: Well, I tried

Grayfia: 2 Knights, 1 Rook of Riser retired.

King: Alright, The rest should be finishing right about now.

Grayfia: 1 Rook, 5 Pawns of Riser retired.

Grayfia: 1 Bishop, 3 Pawns of Riser retired.

King: Alright, all that's left is Yubelluna and Ravel.

Grayfia: 1 Rook of Rias retired.

Grayfia: 1 Knight, 1 Queen of Rias retired.

King: Alright, the game is done I guess.

And so, the rating game ended exactly how I expected it to. She lost. After the rating game, I was confronted by Grayfia about a "special invitation" to the wedding.

King: Looks like I have to get ready to fight a chicken.

I checked in with Issei, and he was going to the wedding normally, oops I ruined the canon. Oh well.


Riser: Ah Rias, you look beautiful tonight.

Rias: Shut up you jackass.

Riser: Just you wait Rias, soon enough, you'll never forget me.



Riser: Who invited you?!?!

King: Oh that, you can thank Sirzechs for that.

Sirzechs: Yes, that is right, I thought we could use some entertainment. Riser, I was very disappointed in your performance during the rating game, you almost lost to my sister who has never participated in one before.

Riser: It's the outcome that matters, my lord.

King: This is taking too long, I challenge you to a duel Riser.

Riser: Fine, and if I win?

King: Guess I'll die then

Rias: WHAT?!?!

King: But if I win, I'd like 5 favors from the underworld here. How does that sound Sirzechs?

Sirzechs: I guess I can accept that.

King: Then let's get this thing started.


Grayfia: The duel between Riser Phoenix and King will begin shortly. I assume you all know the rules, we go until someone is either unable to fight, or they surrender.

Yep, classic duel rules.

Grayfia: Now, without further ado, let's begin the duel!

As soon as the duel started, I summoned chastiefol in its spirit spear form and sent it straight through Riser.

Riser: How dare you, mongrel!

Riser summons a huge ball of fire and throws it down onto me.

King: Well, then, guess I should take this a bit more seriously.

Just when everyone thought the duel was over, the ball of fire rose up from its spot and I was below it.

King: Hey Riser! Looks like you dropped the ball.

He looked at me with a sneer.

King: Drrrropped the ball

He still just stood there.

King: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooppped the-

I was cut off when Riser throws more fire at me, so I change chastiefol to its Yggdra cloth form to absorb the blast.

I flew out of the raging inferno, straight at Riser, and jabbed him through the stomach with the blades attached to the cloth.

Riser: Can't you see, Riser is immortal!

King: Oh yeah I know, I'm just having a bit of fun before I kill you.

Riser: Are you an idiot? Riser is immortal!

King: Well I heard you the first time, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. So now then, what will you do when your strongest attack can't even touch me?

Riser: We'll see about that you brat.

King: Alright I'm bored.


King: I said I'm bored. You're boring me.

Riser sent all his fire at me at once.

King: What did I tell you before?!

I turned chastiefol to its guardian form to absorb the blast.

King: No matter what you do, I'm far superior to you. Now, time to end this.

Riser: You can't do that fool, Riser is immortal!!

King: I'm getting real tired of you calling yourself immortal when all you have is a slightly above average healing ability. I can do better than that in my sleep. Now chastiefol, third form, fossilization.

Riser: Fossili-what?

King: It's exactly what it sounds like Riser, it'll turn you to stone.

Riser: That's impossible! No one can do that!

King: Oh well, I tried to warn you.

I sent chastiefol at him and spun it around him and impaled him through the back.

King: Goodbye Riser, I had an ok time.

And like that, he turned to stone.

Grayfia: I-I-It would seem that the duel had come to a close. King is the winner!

I'm the fairy king! (High school dxd x king! reader)  DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now