“Mother told me that you were in a pretty abusive relationship and that the twins are in fact not Nate’s. She also said that when your ex came for you, that’s when you and Nate ended up in the hospital and he ended up dead.” She looked over to Nate who was holding my hand. “I comment you brother, and I can see that really do love this girl. I honestly truly and whole heartedly am sorry for my behavior and I’m glad that you and the babies are going to be okay.”

I was crying now and knew that there was no way that I would be able to stay mad at her, we were going to be family after all.

“Jenny I am glad that you see the errors in your ways and I can forgive you, but if you ever try and intentionally hurt me like that again, I will not hesitate to slap you, or worse.” I said back in an all too calm tone.

She looked shocked and I heard Nate trying to hold back a laugh that was ready to burst out.

“I… I guess I can live with that, forgiven?” She asked.

“Yes, you are forgiven.” I smiled up to her.

There was another knock and an ultrasound tech came in with the portable ultrasound machine and the doctor was right behind her.

“Who’s ready to see these babies?” The asked boisterously.

 Nate stayed by my side while Helen and Jenny stood back as the tech prepared me and the machine. The doctor sat down next to the bed and squirted some of the cold get onto my stomach. The tech turned off the lights and we waited while the doctor moved the wand on me. The pictures were much clearer then the last time and we could pick out different body parts very easily.

“Do you know the sexes yet?” The doctor asked.

“No” I looked up at Nate. “What do you think hun, should we?” I hesitantly asked him.

“Well, now that Grady is out of the way, I think we should.” He was smiling and I could tell that he was anxious to know what we were having.

“So is that a yes for finding out what you’re having?” The doctor was looking at me, waiting for a reply.

“Yes please.” I was now excited to know what I was carrying. The doctor moved the wand to baby A and froze the screen.

“So this one right here is a girl, congratulations.”

A girl, I was getting my girl and I couldn’t be happier. He again moved the wand to baby B and made a still picture on the screen.

“Well, look at that, looked like you are outnumbered Mr. Pierce, this one is also a girl.” He said smiling.

So I was wrong, now I couldn’t be happier. It was as if my babies that I had lost were coming back to me and Grady would have no male heirs.

For the next two weeks I was in the hospital. With this being the second time I went into preterm labor and that I had two miscarriages, they were taking no chances.

I was getting no sleep as the nurses came in almost every hour to check on me. I just wanted to go home and sleep in bed next to Nate. He stayed with me most nights ad only went home to get clean clothes and to shower.

We spent most of our time talking about names for the girls and different ideas for the wedding. We wanted to get married before the girls came, but I was going to be on strict bed rest when I got home.

When I finally got home, all I wanted to do was go out into the woods and shift, my wolf felt like she was being held in a cage when I was in the hospital. Nate felt that it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to shift right now, especially since Jenny had taken it upon herself to stay and take care of me. She sent her husband Dominic and their three kids Alex, Aiden and Ava home.

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