Mysterious New Acquaintance

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The silver‐haired woman didn't stop though. She launched kicks after kicks aiming at her target but he dodged every single one of them.

"I didn't know he was an expert in martial arts," she thought.

Out of frustration, she pulled back her leg and aimed to punch him. Kiku took this opportunity to bend down and pick a broken stick from the ground. He blocked her incoming attack using it as his katana.

However, the stick broke as an impact from her strong punch.

Kiku backed from her and stared in bewilderment. She wasn't delicate as she looked like.

The unknown visitor regained her normal posture and looked at him with determined eyes. The young Japanese couldn't understand why this woman was attacking him in front of his own house.


Kiku tensed up as she finally spoke.

"You will pay for what you did, Mr. Handa..." she glared.

Kiku stood there with a confused look on his face. He relaxed his tensed muscles and looked at her with utmost intrigue.

"I'm very sorry to inform you, but I'm not Handa. I'm Honda," he replied.

Now it was the woman's turn to look at him in confusion. She blinked, unable to believe what the man just said. "A‐Are you not Mr. Handa?" she asked.

Kiku shook his head.

He watched as in no time, her face turned into a bright shade of red and her eyes went wide. She clearly couldn't hide her embarrassment.

"I‐I am deeply sorry for this, sir!" She gave a low bow.

Kiku nervously smiled. "It's alright. As long as no one got injured."

The woman stood up straight and gave a warm smile. Kiku stared at her in awe. How could someone as stealthy as her smile like a delicate flower?

"However," she continued. "I was sent to this address knowing that I was supposed to be working for Mr. Handa."

A surprised look crossed Kiku's face on hearing that. He didn't receive any information of having a guest over.

"May I ask whom you got this word from?" he asked.

"I was hired by your country's government as Mr. Handa's bodyguard," she said.

Her words rang suspicion in Kiku's head. If she was hired as a bodyguard, why wound she attack the very person she was supposed to protect?

"Have you received any appointment letter regarding this?" he enquired of this mysterious woman.

She nodded and took out a letter from her bag. The now‐curious man studied the letter carefully which was written in Japanese. He sighed as he finished the letter.

"I knew they would do this without telling me," he said out aloud then turned to her.

"You have been hired to protect me, Honda Kiku, as my bodyguard."

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