Mishal and the rest had crowded around them, fascinated with Aditsan since they had never seen anything like him before. Zora managed to climb onto his back and began to play with his fur like she used to when she was a little girl. It soothed Aditsan in a way that made him less nervous of all the eyes staring at him.

"Let's go show the town who's really running things", Zora said before instructed Aditsan to run forward. Aditsan took off with the vampires following close behind him. The wind blew into Zora's face viciously, almost making her uncomfortable. She placed her face into Aditsan's fur. He made an internal noise that could only mean he liked what Zora was doing.

They stopped a few miles away from the town. It was some sort of celebration going on, Zora could tell by the loud noises, music playing, and the smell of alcohol. She could sense every living heartbeat in the area and it made her fangs poke through her gums. Her eyes turned black as she slowly slid down off Aditsan's back.

"What now?", Mishal asked.

Zora smirked. "Let's eat."

The vampires whistled and cackled as Zora led them further into town. The humans were so drunk and into their own conversations and actions that they barely noticed their danger approaching. Zora gave Mishal a signal and with no hesitation, Mishal shot a giant fireball into one of the bars. Screams were loudly heard and everyone scurried out. The explosion notified the humans of the vampires presence. For years they had walked amongst each other in peace but the humans could tell this wasn't a peaceful matter. Some tried to run to their escape but the vampires had created a border surrounding them. There was no way out.

Time stood still and nothing was heard except for the loud music that still continued to play. Zora whistled quickly and the vampires began to attack. They jumped on every person they could get their hands on, biting into their flesh and ripping them apart. Zora walked around, admiring everything. She was finally amongst enough destruction that soothed the pain she constantly feels in her chest. The smile on her face was pure evil and she couldn't wait to do this again in an even bigger town.

Zora noticed some vampires fighting over a body to the right of her. She went to them before they could tear each others limbs off. She quickly stopped them.

"There's more than enough to go around", Zora said to them.

"Bull shit! We've been on that dumb bunny diet, remember? There isn't enough humans in this pathetic town to satisfy our hunger. But I was here first", one vampire spat.

"As soon as we're down here, we'll move over to the next town. In the mean time, however, I'm going to grant you with a gift."

At this point some of the others had completed their meals and was crowding around Zora. She wasn't completely sure what she was doing but something within her was telling her to pass along her curse. She softly and hypnotically grabbed one of the vampires wrists. As if in a trance an unable to stop her, the vampire outreached it's arm further. Zora flashed her fangs then pierced it's wrist. She didn't intake any blood, only let her dark vemon seap into the vampires veigns. The vampires watched in admiration as the now poisoned vampire held its wrist in its available shaking hand. The pain it felt must've ended quickly because the shaking stopped. Its eyes turned pitch black, identical to Zora's. It looked up at Zora.

"What is this gift?", it asked her.

"You feel that thirst and that strength that's coursing through your body right now? That is the gift of Balo. Don't take it for granted."

The other vampires eagerly reached out their arms to be changed. Zora bit into them one by one, slowly making them into being just like her, minus her power. Eventually, Zora was surrounded by black eyes that were looking up at her as if she was their queen or ruler.

"Zora ... stop this."

Zora turned her attention to Aditsan, who had now entered the town even though she instructed him not to. She looked at him confused by what he was saying.

"Stop what?"

"You are ... turning them ... evil."

Zora smiled. "Isn't that the point?"

"No ... you aren't evil."

"Oh, aren't I? You don't know what I am. You only believe the little fantasy of me that's in your mind. Sorry to break it to you, but I've always been evil. I was born into evil. I was destined to be evil. And there's nothing you can do about it so just shut up and be a good little doggy."

Aditsan growled and bared his teeth.

"I can't let you do this."

"Yeah? Try and stop me then."

Aditsan snapped towards Zora. He had almost reached her but Brenton was too quick. From the side of the road, Brenton placed his hands on the ground and it quickly began turning to lava. The hot substance halted Aditsan in his spot, the lava burning his paws. He couldn't get away, because every time he moved, Brenton made more lava appear. Aditan looked back at Zora with pleading eyes.

"So, you're going ... to kill me? I thought I was ... your best friend."

Zora stepped to the outside of the lava.

"I don't have friends."

Zora launched up and landed on top of Aditsan's head. Using all of her strength, she grabbed him by his ears and pushed down onto his shoulders. Her muscles coiled as she gathered more strength then detached Aditsan's head from his body. Zora flipped back on the outskirts of the boiling hot liquid, holding Aditsan's head in her hands.

"Hey Mishal, heads up", Zora said while tossing the head in the air. With a playful smile, Mishal threw a fireball at the head and Zora let out a slight scream. Once their powers connected, the head exploded and rained blood on everyone. Zora licked around her mouth and ingested the essence what she once thought wouldve been the love of her life.

"Next town", was all Zora said and she led the vampires away from the scene.

The Dark Passage: The Rebellion (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now