Chapter 3, the poison candy Factory

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A rush to the factory I go then I tripped over a rock and fell down. "Wait for me Rukan!" Sailen quacked. I stopped at the factory. A black swan waddled toward me and squawked at me. "Welcome to the poison candy factory, now GET OUT OF HERE!" The black swan squawked evilly. I gave her an angry stare and walked away with Sailen following me. "I've got to figure out how to get in there!" I thought turning my head at the factory beaming out smoke and candy cane statues between the entrance. At night I walked back to the factory with Sailen following me. "Hey Rukan, there's a trapdoor over here!" Whispered the little goose. Me and Sailen ran and jumped in the trapdoor to a hidden room, I pecked the floor and tastes the same nasty liquid from the shattered black striped peppermints that's trailing to a neon blue door from the end of the hidden room. "Let's go through this blue door over here!" I said quietly. Then me and Sailen went through the blue door, an saw a morbid sight to behold on...

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