Chapter 5.5 ~LILY'S POV! o.O

Start from the beginning

I could feel carpet underneath me, something sticky was partially dried in splotches on my skin, my head was being slightly propped up. Kat was sitting on my left, Cam was near her, but I wasn’t quite sure where. There was a bright light coming from above and burning through my eyelids.

I lifted my arm up to block the light. I squeezed my eyes tightly, opened them, and blinked until I could see Kat clearly.

“Kat!” I said cheerfully, with a voice that was slightly less scratchy than before.

“Need some water?” Cam offered holding out a glass.

I took the cup and swallowed two long gulps before handing it back.

“What happened?” I asked confused, looking back and forth between Kat and Cam’s worried faces.

“You fainted,” Cam answered solemnly.

“I’ve gathered that. Why did I faint?” I asked getting slightly annoyed.

“There was a small incident involving a couple of boys. They’re in our room cleaning everything up now,” Kat answered kindly.

“The boys are cleaning?”

“No, the janitors,” Cam blurted as if it were obvious.

“Where are the boys?”

“Being cleaned up by the janitors,” Cam chuckled darkly.

Kat saw the puzzled look I knew was on my face, so she explained, “Derek and Kenny,” she gulped, “they h-hung themselves in our room.”

“Kenny!?” I nearly fainted again. I couldn’t have heard her right. It couldn’t be Kenny. Kenny couldn’t be dead.

“Yeah. The bastard’s head snapped right off his shoulders when he dropped!” Cam seemed excited about this, I glared at him, ready to rip his head off for talking about my Kenny like that, “what? He had it coming to him!” he answered my glare defensively.

“Cam,” Kat began, “honey, stop talking.”

Normally I would have laughed at the pouty face Cam made to this comment. But not right now, the only thing that could make me happy now was Kenny. I looked down from their faces remembering some of the good times we had. This was when I saw gross red splotches on the backs of my arms and legs. It took me a minute to realize I was half covered in dried blood.

I was sure the look on my face showed the disgust I was feeling, and I was sure I was going to be sick. “Wh-who’s,” I trailed off.

Kat looked down, “it’s Kenny’s, when he fell,”

I started bawling, “stop. I don’t want,” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Kat pulled me into a tight hug, I could see the memories in her mind before I was able to stop listening. She saw the bodies, Derek’s swinging from the rope still around his neck. Kenny’s on the ground, without his head. There was blood pooling on in the carpet of our bedroom floor. Kenny’s head looked like it had been placed on her bed specifically, the way that the blue comforter was stained with his blood, and his head was sitting up almost perfectly, as if it were waiting for us. His eyes were still open, full of all his final emotions. She remembered her own piercing scream, and my fall into Kenny’s pool of blood.

I pulled out of her thoughts gasping and crying. That was when I remembered something from when I was passed out.

“You and Cam were talking about,” I sniffled, “about Lil’ Lilo?”

“Uh, yeah. Do you know a Lilo?” Kat asked producing a piece of folded paper, “I found this in our room when, when,” she trailed off holding out the paper.

“It’s me. I’m Lil’ Lilo. I-it was Kenny’s nickname for me when we were dating," I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks again.

Cam looked like he wanted to say something, but he was holding his tongue.

Kat handed me the paper, “we didn’t read it,” she promised.

I nodded and accepted the note.

On the outside of the folded notebook paper was “Lil’ Lilo” in Kenny’s perfect handwriting. And just like with all the notes he gave me before, the page was expertly folded into a perfect heart. I remembered how I’d ripped the first few I’d gotten while trying to open them. I could get them opened blindfolded now though.

I unfolded the page with trembling hands. When I had it all flattened out I went to reading the page and admiring the perfectly drawn sketches around the text.

This was a very short letter, not at all what I expected. The perfect handwriting read:

Lil’ Lilo,

I still loved you, so I am warning you now. Don’t trust him.


He signed it with his normal two X’s to stand for two kisses.

“One for now, and one to save for a day when I’m not around anymore,” he always said. I always told him not to talk like that, that we’d always be together. Now I wished I hadn’t.

But don’t trust who?

Cam. It had to be Cam, they had just gotten into a fight about Cam being not Talented, Kenny’d said he was a liar.

I wouldn’t trust Cam because my dead boyfriend didn’t.

I had to warn Kat.

I looked up at her, about to tell her when I caught a glimpse of Cam’s enraged glare out of the corner of my eye. I didn’t need to be able to read his mind to know that he knew what I was about to say.

Things were about to get really complicated.

A/N: So, we switched to Lily’s POV half-way through the chapter, so that’s why this was Chapter 5.5!!! It was interesting to write, so I hope it reads well.

So how do you guys feel about Cam? Would you trust him? Personally, I love him! Which is kinda weird for me cuz I don’t usually get attatched to my own characters.

Do you guys think Kenny and Derek chose Lily and Kat’s room for a reason? Why would they do that?! Or did Cam kill them like he said he’d do in Chapter 4? But he was with Kat like the whole time!!!

Hehe sorry, I’m not telling you guys NUTHIN!!! You’ll have to wait for more chapters to come out!!!

Readers: AWWW!! C’MON NIC! TELL US!!!

Get over it ya bunch of babies! (See now you know where Cam gets his anger and rudeness from... ME! >:) Yeah, that’s right! I take my anger out on book characters through Cam!) :P <3

Anyway thanks for reading!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2013 ⏰

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