Chapter 5

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The past week, Brian and I have been spending so much time together, seeing each other everyday. Walking to classes, having dinner, listening to music and he even visited the store Roger and I owned. I was over the moon. We're not dating, however. We've made out only twice since we met and held hands here and there. I was surprised to say the least. When we first met we were so formal, so hesitant and sly. I think we're both happy that the two of us bonded.

Today, I decided on making a trip to the music store. I was wanting a new instrument, maybe a guitar, I wasn't too sure yet.

As soon as I entered the store I was greeted by the lovely sound of Jimmy Page strumming the acoustic through a record player near by. I smiled to myself, looking around the store and the instruments it held. Before I knew it, a salesmen cheerfully walked over to me. He seemed similar, very similar. That long, brown, bouncy hair caught me off guard when I realised who he was.

"Hi there! Could I help you with anything today?" He smiled, brightly. God, his smile was contagious.

"You're Brian's friend, right? I'm Freddie-"

"The Freddie!?" He exclaimed, "I've heard so much about you! It's so nice to finally meet you." I laughed at him, he seemed innocent and playful.

"So am I."

"Do you need help with anything?" He asked, looking around the store.

"Yes, actually. I'm wanting a new guitar, the one I have is rigged. I need to step it up a notch." I laughed and so did he, guiding me towards all the acoustic guitars.

"Was that acoustic or electric?"

"Acoustic." He nodded away, browsing with me.

"Do you have a budget or anything?"

"No, I don't really mind. Right now I have this old, pink, Spanish looking guitar that's a little small. It has no brand name on it either, one of my friends gave it to me ages ago."

"Well, this guitar is really nice, I enjoy playing it. It's not pricey either." He said, pulling down a guitar from the rack above him. He rested it on his knee, tilting it side to side, showing it off. He strummed a few chords in front of me and I examined the instrument carefully. I really wanted a good guitar. He gave it to me, and that's when I realised I didn't even know this guy's name.

"Wait, I'm so sorry. I don't know your name." I stated, biting my lip, nervous of what he would say next. Instead of giving me attitude, he giggled with a warm smile.

"John Deacon." He put the guitar back on the rack, "Do you want a coloured one or just natural. Any benefits you want from it or..." He drifted off, waiting for me to finish his sentence.

"No, just a standard. I would like a black guitar though, you don't see many of them around."

"No you don't..." He hummed, looking around the store. "I don't think we have any in stock, however, I can see if there will be soon?" He almost asked.

"That'd be lovely." I smiled. I followed him to the front of the store, where the counter was. He flipped open a big, black binder that had many scratches and rough patches on it. He hummed to the music, the record player sang. He peacefully searched the list inside, dragging his finger along the page.

"So why a black guitar?" He furrowed his brows.

"Well, I wanted to do some artwork on it. Mandalas and unique patterns. Make it my own and give it some individuality."

"How nice- Aha, here we are. There's a black fender from the classic series coming in." He looked up, asking for confirmation.

"Sounds good."

"So I'll put that one aside." He said ticking next to the box where it listed the guitar, "It'll arrive in about two weeks. How's that?" I nodded happily. "I'll call you when it gets here, what's your number, Freddie?"

I gave John my number and continued with my day. I decided I would stop at Brian's dorm room and surprise him. I was just so happy lately, I usually don't like being dependant on people for my moods and whatnot but, I was honestly going to let myself fall for Brian. I really wanted to make things official, starting today. Before going to Bri's, I decided to touch up. I got to my dorm and sprayed on some fresh cologne and threw on a fancy jacket but, before I left I thought it would be best to give my best friend a call.

"Hi Rog." I spoke, smiling away, twirling the telephone chord with my fingers. I looked at the starry night sky through my window while I listened for him to talk on the other end.

"FREDDIE!" I pulled the phone away from my ear, cringing, "I was just on my way to see you."

"I'm getting ready to go to Brian's at the moment." I heard him fall silent and the conversation tense. Roger was acting...different lately. He was being nice to me but, every time I mentioned Brian he would start acting weird. Tense up, go quiet, be cold. He never used to be like that once and now that I'm seeing Brian more often, he's not so friendly about him. "But, come over at....nine, tonight? How does that sound."

"Sounds good, Fred." And just like that, his mood switches once I change the topic.

"You have got to stop calling me that." I sighed- I hated that name.

"Buh-bye Fred." I rolled my eyes and ran out the door, heading to Bri's. On my way, I picked one small, pastel yellow daffodil that stood out from the other flowers in the nearby garden- the garden we met in.

Thankfully, Brians dorm was on the first level which meant I didn't have to climb any stairs. I cheerfully knocked on his door, waiting for him patiently. The door swung open, making my smile drop. Brian was shirtless and it wasn't sexy since he smelt of bad bio. His hair was all over his face, wearing only boxers while he was huffing and puffing. I stood back a little, surprised about his strange presence. I didn't know what to think but, my mind focused on the worst thing that could be happening in that room.

"Freddie!?" He exclaimed, his dull eyes now wide and awake. I didn't say anything because I forgot how to talk. "What- What are you doing here?" His voice sounded more than groggy.

"I- I came to surprise you..." My voice became quiet and I felt myself start to become disappointed. I shouldn't have came here.

"Right now isn-"

"What were you doing in there?" Confidence crept on me but, really that confidence was just my anger beginning to rise. "What were you doing!??" My voice wobbled.

"Um I-"

"You were sleeping with someone weren't y-"

"Let me explain!"

"No!" I threw the yellow daffodil on the ground, holding my tears back, "I never thought you would be someone to do that." I glared at him while he stared blankly. I stomped on the flower aggressively. His lips moved but nothing came out, making me more angry. I stomped off, shaking my head and headed towards my room. I'll just see Roger- I don't need another fucking man whore.

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