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hey bambi,, why
did the ketchup blush??

bambi gray
oh hey chris

bambi gray renamed
xxx-xxx-xxxx to boston boy!

boston boy
how'd you know
it was me???

boston boy how'd you know it was me???

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bambi gray
wild guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

kinda wished it
was hemsworth tho

boston boy

bambi gray
i'm joking!!

boston boy
oh thank god
'cause i really
like you, bambi

bambi gray
so why did the
ketchup blush??

boston boy

he saw the
salad dressing.

badum tssss!!

bambi gray

boston boyhaha did you know i used the same meme when i asked tom if it was okay that i'd take you out on a date ajkakljjdkdlERASED

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boston boy
haha did you
know i used the
same meme when
i asked tom if it
was okay that i'd
take you out on
a date ajkakljjdkdl

bambi gray
who knew shmaptain
shmerica was into
dirty jokes???? 😏

boston boy
well, bambi gray,
a lot of my friends
know that i make
those jokes but it's
all in good fun

hey, bambi gray,
what's a good ice
cream place in nyc?

bambi gray
why do you keep
saying my
full name?????

boston boy
i like it,
bambi gray

bambi gray
but that's not even
my real name ;((

boston boy
yeah i know ;))

i'm just going to
head off to wikipedia
to find out what
your real name is

bambi gray
but you won't :D

boston boy
true 🤗

bambi gray
favorite ice cream
place would be the
one near my place 😋
their chocolate chip
flavor ice cream
generates world peace

boston boy
would you mind if
i take you there? 😅
i'm not really familiar
with where you live
and i'm craving
good ice cream

bambi gray
sure!! always in
the mood for
ice cream 😊

and always in
the mood for your
company heKHEK


boston boy
where do you want
me to pick you up??

bambi gray
my place is somewhere
in cornelia street. . .
text me when you're
near that bench
underneath the
apple tree next to
the gucci store??

boston boy
sounds okay to me 😊

see you, bambi gray!

bambi gray

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