Chapter 2 - The Casino

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King pulled up to the casino.

"I wonder what type of beer they serve here." He mentioned.

Everyone got out of the car. The place was huge had a grand, fancy appearance to make you feel like you're in the presence of some royal castle. Lights lined the top of the building. There were tons of windows which meant for tons of rooms.

"Holy crap." You whispered.

"Don't we have to get a hotel room? Knowing King, he's gonna wanna stay here for awhile." Saitama questioned.

"I wouldn't mind staying here for awhile." Tatsumaki said, looking up towards the top of the building.

Stepping into the building, everyone was greeted by a fancy, well decorated lobby.

"We are definitely staying here." Tatsumaki said as she glanced around the lobby at the intricate patterns on the walls and pillars that held up the ceiling.

In the lobby, near the receptionist's desk were two large, double sided screens which displayed a map of the first floor and second floor on one side, and the third and fourth floor on the other side of the screen.

"Of all the things this building has to offer, they call this place a casino?" Saitama whispered, reading the map.

While Genos and King were talking to the receptionist, You and Tatsumaki looked at the map.

"So Y/N, what do you want to try out first?" Tatsumaki asked.

"We should check out the casino. It is what we came here for." You replied.

Before heading down to the casino, everyone quickly dropped off all their belongings at the hotel room. The room would act as a pit stop. They'd head back to it after wearing themselves out doing something random.

Everyone besides Genos and Febuki (a.k.a. Blizzard) decided to head down to the casino.

"Probably not the best idea to leave those two together." You said.

"Don't worry, Y/N, Febuki can control herself." Tatsumaki.

You had a hard time believing that and right before you could say anything, King opened the doors to the casino, revealing the fanciest room you've ever seen. Arcade games, slot machines, and much more were throughout the room. There was also a small buffet on the casino's second floor. Everyone was left speechless until King laid his eyes on a poker table and smirked a little.

"Who's up for a bit of gambling." King asked.

Everyone exchanged looks before agreeing. Everyone was about to win big or lose hard.


As everyone lost track of time while gambling and messing around for hours, it soon became nighttime.

Saitama thought maybe it would be a decent time to check out the night club. Saitama gathered Genos and tried getting King, but he was pretty invested in what he was doing.

Y/n and Tatsumaki were taking things a bit easier. The two of you were playing pool while the noise of the casino clashed with your conversation with Tatsumaki.

"This place is great. Do you like it?" You asked.

"I guess so..." Tatsumaki replied softly. "Y/n, doesn't this place feel a little off?

"The only thing I find off is how we've never heard of this place before." You said, hitting the cue ball with your cue.

Tatsumaki paused for a moment.

"Remember that one restaurant we went to, when everyone noticed us?" She said.

"Oh yeah. Let's never go back there for awhile." You chuckled.

"Here, not a single person pointed out you're a class-a hero and that I'm a class-s hero."

"That is basically what we're known for. Sometimes I post about bugs on social media, but nobody's going to look at me and say 'oh look it's that one bug girl.'"

You noticed that Tatsumaki was definitely uncomfortable, but her theory didn't really make too much sense. Maybe the people in the casino were too rich to care about their hero status.

"Do you want to unpack our stuff in the hotel room?" You suggested.

"Sure." Tatsumaki said, quietly.


The hotel room was spacious, had two beds, and a couch that could unfold into a bed. The bathroom looked nice and had an interesting design on the tiles. Tatsumaki placed her bag on one of the beds and using her powers, she sorted everything out. Tatsumaki plopped down on one of the beds and wrapped her self under two layers of blankets. You decided to get into the bed with her and you shimmied closer to Tatsumaki. You wrapped your arm around her while she rested her head on your chest.

"Goodnight." You whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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