Chapter 2

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"Oh OJ~! Can you get that towel over there?" Salt said annoyingly. "Ugh fine!" I responded back. Why can't Salt just stop trying to win me! I tell her no all the time but she think that I am all over her. "Salt! Can't you plz stop bothering me and OJ! We are trying to have a conversation!" my best friend Paper said. Paper and I have been friends ever since season 1. But the truth was I had a crush on him. I mean he is caring, kind, creative, loving and just always there for me! Seriously, who couldn't love him! After I had given towels to Salt, I went out of the room with Paper. "I don't get why Salt keeps annoying me. I mean, I don't love her back." Paper looked over at me. "She is just being obsessive. How about we get some coffee or something?" I smiled at him. Then we heard someone open the door...

Marshmallow's POV

"What?" I said quietly. Then I heard a beeping noise. When I looked over at Y/N her face switch to a black screen. There was a picture of a low battery. "Can you get help please. My battery might die." she said. I looked over at Apple. "Apple stay here with her! I am going to get Mephone!" "What why?" Apple responded. "Stay here! I will be right back!" I then dashed off to Hotel OJ. If what she is saying is true exactly did she fall off of a plane. When Mephone came back to host Inanimate Insanity, I didn't see her. I opened the door.

"Mephone! Where are you!" I then looked over and saw him drinking a cup of coffee. "Ugh what is it now?" Honestly, how can anyone get along with him? I mean he is rude and doesn't care about anyone but himself. "Someone is in the woods and needs help! We need you to come!" '"Isn't the woods off the parameters!" he said angerly. "Well someone is there and needs help!" "I don't care if its a person! We can just call the police or something." he said calmly. I was pissed off now. There was someone in the woods and he is not even coming. I then lost it and yelled "YOUR FRIEND IS DYING IN THE WOODS AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN GOING TO CARE? SOME FRIEND YOU ARE!" I gasped and quickly covered my mouth. He then looked at me for a moment before getting up and heading towards the door. "Where are you going?" "To the woods."

Narrative POV

While Marshmallow and Mephone ran to the woods, Apple was questioning Y/N about what certain words meant. "So what does quit mean?" Apple said. "There are many definitions of quit. Quit as a verb is 1. leave a place, usually permanently. 2. resign from a job. 3. stop or discontinue an action or activity. 4. behave in a specified way. Quit as a adjective 1. rid of.-" Y/N said. She then started glitching. "We are here!" Marshmallow yelled. Y/N looked where Marshmallow and Mephone were. Mephone recognized her. He then sat close to Y/N. "Are you alright?!" he said quickly. He was actually worried! But why? "I-I have l-l-low b-battery." she blurted out glitching. "Please h-help." Mephone then scooped up Y/N in his arms, carrying her in bridal style. "Its okay. You are going to be fine my friend." He then started running in full speed, Apple and Marshmallow following him.

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