Lisa's snaps her eyes open, growing horrified. "Oh my gosh, no! I told her I liked girls okay," she says in a rush. "Not exclusively but yeah I said how I'm attracted to girls too and she's asking me all these questions and I freaked and passed out—why do you look so disappointed?"

Rosé shakes off her dejected image and tries not to worry about losing 50,000 won to Jisoo. So it's not the confession Jisoo might be searching for but it's still a confession nonetheless. God, Rosé will have to endure being Cinderella for a month.

"Sorry, um, what made you decide to tell her?"

"The alcohol maybe? I don't know. I've kept it to myself for a long time. I should have told you guys sooner but I got kinda scared. I'm sorry," Lisa laments, looking away from Rosé.

"Don't be." Rosé reassures her with a sincere smile, taking Lisa's clammy hands in hers. Lisa raises her gaze at Rosé's comforting expression. "It's your decision and we love you no matter what—"

"Aww, Rosie..."

"—no matter how weird you are."

"Okay, you've ruined it." Lisa pouts but the rest of her face says otherwise. A notable weight has been lifted from her shoulders, made apparent by the ear-splitting grin that is now spread to her cheeks. Rosé is glad Lisa is able to fully admit to her.

Then a surge of curiosity tugs at her.

"So who is it?"


"The girl you like, duh."

"Oh. Well." Lisa nibbles on her bottom lip before answering. "It was just a realization. I liked someone way before. You remember that ex-trainee who was a dancer too?"

Ahh, that makes sense.

There were many instances in the past during their trainee days when Lisa would overly applaud this dancer who was mediocre at best, if Rosé were to be honest. To her credit, the girl had her unique style and was pretty popular among male trainees (and female too, Rosé supposes).

"Here I thought you'd explain you were confessing to Jennie," Rosé states truthfully. If Lisa were to like one girl, Rosé would bet another 50,000 won for that girl to be Jennie.

"Come on, Chaeng. Jennie's my best friend," Lisa says as-a-matter-of-factly. "I acted weird around her only because we never got to talk about it after that. We still don't. So I didn't bother bringing it up. It seems like she forgot about it." She sighs gloomily. "And I don't want to ruin anything, she's my first friend here."

Lisa's face softens solemnly, staring off into the distance, probably reminiscing her first encounter with Jennie in their pubescent years before Jisoo and Rosé came into the picture. She says, "She's angel to me. Minus the wings."

"So like a person?"

Lisa glowers sardonically. "You really do know how to make me sound lame."

"That's all on you, mate." Rosé winks.

"And yet, you still love me."

"Someone has to."

"Hey! I'm sure someone out there does too!"

And Rosé has to agree that yeah, she's sure someone else does too.




behind the scenesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon