Chapter 6

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Mary's POV

So I go back to the girls and they were so worried that they almost called Harry, but I got back to them just in time because I know he won't be able to hold the secret with everyone watching him. He isn't that good.

The girls and myself talked for another 2 hours then I got a message from Harry and it had said "hey dad would like to talk to us" I then sent back "ok no worries I will be home as soon as possible" he sent back "ok baby girl talk to you soon".

So, I said "goodbye" to the girls and left to go back to Harry's place as I get there, I notice that I can hear yelling and screaming so I run in to find Harry and his father fighting about something.

So, I go up to Harry and was like "hey baby calm down what's wrong" he looked at me and then opens his hands where I find a piece of jewellery that belongs to the person sending out the victims it then clicked that the only reason he would be holding this was if the person handed them over I then looked at his father.

I then said "were these yours were you the one sending out the victims" he slowly nodded his head and said "I heard that if I got both yours and my sons Jewellery I could wish for my soulmate back and then today when you both revealed your superhero identities I couldn't do it anymore so I told myself I would give this away and remember the good times I had with my soulmate".

I looked at Harry and he was looking very angry at the moment and I know I'm going to be the only person to calm him down so I said "look I'm going to go and calm Harry down then I will be back and we can talk more I will take these and put them where no one else can get their hands on it again" he nodded and walked back to his office.

I pulled Harry up to his room and we sat on his bed and I just hugged him until he was calm enough to talk to me. His first words was "god he sent them out and they could have hurt you he knew how much you meant to me why would he do that so me to you" I said "he missed his soulmate baby what would you do if you were him please calm down I know what he did was wrong but I know if I were him I probably would have done the same thing cause I love you that much think about it".

He looked at me and said "I probably would have done the same thing I guess I just I miss my mum so much but no wish could do this without any consequences and I don't know what those kind of consequences would be" I nodded at him and said "ok you calm enough to talk to your dad now".

Harry's POV

As I got him my dad wanted to talk to me and so I sent the boys home and he also told me to get Mary here is I messaged her saying "hey dad would like to talk to us" she then sent back "ok no worries I will be home as soon as possible" I sent back "ok baby girl talk to you soon".

So my father then says "so while we are waiting I might as well give you these" he hands me a broach and I realise what this was it was the piece of jewellery that the person sending the victims out wore and that's when I lost it.

I started with "why do you have this you could have killed people why would you do this" he still didn't talk so I just started yelling and that's when I heard the front door open but I didn't let that stop me but what did stop me was the arms and the face that came into view.

She then said "hey baby calm down what's wrong" I looked at her and then I opened my hands to show her the piece of jewellery that belongs to the person sending out the victims it then she must have figured it out that the only reason I would be holding these was if the person handed them over I then she looked at my father.

She then said "were these yours were you the one sending out the victims" he slowly nodded his head and said "I heard that if I got both yours and my sons Jewellery I could wish for my soulmate back and then today when you both revealed your superhero identities I couldn't do it anymore so I told myself I would give this away and remember the good times I had with my soulmate".

She looked at me and noticed that I was looking very angry at the moment and she realises she's the only person that calm me down so she had said "look I'm going to go and calm Harry down then I will be back and we can talk more I will take these and put them where no one else can get their hands on it again" he nodded and walked back to his office.

She pulled me up to my room and we sat on my bed and she just hugged him until I calmed down enough to talk to her. My first words was "god he sent them out and they could have hurt you he knew how much you meant to me why would he do that so me to you" she said "he missed his soulmate baby what would you do if you were him please calm down I know what he did was wrong but I know if I were him I probably would have done the same thing cause I love you that much think about it".

I looked at her and said "I probably would have done the same thing I guess I just I miss my mum so much but no wish could do this without any consequences and I don't know what those kind of consequences would be" she nodded and said "ok you calm enough to talk to your dad now".

We got up off the bed and went down to his office but not before she made sure that is was the piece of jewellery and then hid it away where only we knew where it was.

We got to his office and knocked on his door and I said "ok look I get why you did it but please you have to apologies to the city and admit that what you did was wrong I get you miss mum so do I and everyone that got to meet her but she can't be brought back as much as we want her back we don't know what the consequences would be dad I love you but this is so far".

It took so much in me to say all that but it needed to be said and I hope dad listens that's when I hear his voice say "that's what I was doing right now I am planning to have a public interview out the front of the house and admit my wrongs and I am working on my speech right now would you like to see".

I left Mary's side and walked up to dad and he wasn't lying he was working on his speech and I even offered to help that's when I hear Mary say "hey while you both do that I am going to go plan my parents funerals is that ok".

I walk up to her and say 'that's fine you can use my laptop and computer in my room and here's my phone use it to make calls and once everything is over I will get you a plan and a new phone ok baby girl" she smiles and says "thank you baby come back when your finished".

She leaves the room and I walk back to my father and say "ok let's get this over with as I really want to make sure she's ok" he looks at me and says "you are going to make the perfect husband for her I have always liked her for you I was praying she was your soulmate"

I looked at him and I said "I got the girl of my dreams and I wouldn't change it for the world now let's get to work cause we need to make this one of the best apologies ever cause I can't have a parent in jail" my dad looks at me and say's "what do you mean by that".

I look at him and said, "you haven't heard they said once they catch the guy, he either has to come up with one hell of an apologies or he goes to jail" my dad looks at me and says, "well let's get started".

We finished what we needed to do, and we have the speech ready and the interview is tomorrow I now can go back to my partner and help her with her planning I hope she's ok. 

when Soulmates meetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora