Kyoka the Serpent Sin

Start from the beginning

"Mom, dad, I'm sorry this is all I can make for you." My aunt was so spiteful of them, that she refused to put a gravestone for them. To try and give them something, I made two out of clay and put them on when nobody was around. The markers took me 3 days to make and carve my mom and dads names on them, but they had something. My hands had cuts from me doing the order wrong and carving their names after the clay was solid, but the pain of knowing their gone was worse. I watched as the younger me cried and cried for nobody to answer me. "That must've been hard for you." "*sniffle* It was, but nobody else would give them a marker." I rub my eyes and see the scene go to my school.

"Look, isn't it pretty." Some of the girls were looking at a bracelet one of them was wearing as she was presenting it. "My mom got it for me yesterday. She said it was something that made her think of me when seeing it." The thing was a plastic star bracelet that everyone thought was cute. I saw it and felt anger when seeing it. I kept my head down though and ignored the conversation. The incident in school made me upset, but what happened at home made me even more upset to the point I was angry.

"Look Kyoka. Isn't it pretty." My aunt gave a bracelet that looked the same as the girls in school and had me put it on. "Don't you look cute with it on. Why don't we take a family picture with it?" She pulls me in and grabs her phone to take a picture. She looks at it and smiles before putting it on social media. The caption she put was 'Family picture with me and my daughter. Aren't we the cutest family'. It sickened me that she had me deal with this when I wasn't even her actual daughter. I was mad and upset to a point I wanted to scream at her to stop calling me her daughter. But I didn't.

"Auntie, can I go to sleep now. I'm really tired." She snaps her neck at me when I call her this and glares at me. "What did you call me?" "S-sorry mama!" "Good, that's what I thought you said." She ignores me and goes back to her phone. I walked into my room and shut the door. I began to cry as I sat on my bed and pulled my knees to my chest. "Mom, dad, please come back. All I want is to see you two again." I look down at my wrist and rip the bracelet off me before chucking it across the room.

"You hated that thing a lot, didn't you." I shook my head. "I liked it, but I wanted one given to me by my real parents and not my aunt." Diane looks and questions me. "Why did she make you call her mama?" "She looked at my parents death as her having what they had at last. I was nothing more than a trophy to her, saying she had the last laugh. It pissed me off to no end when she forced me to call her mama in front of my dead mothers body." I gritted my teeth as I kept seeing some classmates have things that my aunt later gave to me. Though they were the same, I wanted the ones that my classmates had more.

The scene went to a time when I secretly switched a key chain a classmate had with my own. It went perfectly and I held a bit of a victorious smile. Only once I was walking home and looking at it did I realize one thing. "Why doesn't it feel as good as it did for her?" The feeling of emptiness didn't fill when I did this. In all honesty, it only made me feel more hollow than I already did. I saw tears fall off me as I looked at it. "I have her's, so why do I feel more lonely?" I was so angry that I threw it into the street. A car came and crushed it for me to feel nothing. I saw the mangled key chain and felt angered if anything that I went though the trouble of taking that one for nothing to happen.

"So you just threw it in the road after all that?" "Yeah." After that day, all I saw when I looked at everything my classmates had and the things my aunt gave me was useless trinkets. I lost the ability to see anything in them anymore. Eventually, I lost feeling for everything and just held spite inside me. The scene went to me walking down the street after school angered that everyone was so enamored with such useless things. "Envious of what others see in things?" I look and see me argue with Izuku as he just smiles at me and offers Gideon to me. "Well Jiro, would you like to be part of something big that people will envy you for?" I think on it and take Gideon with no real care.

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